Chapter 13

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CALM MIST danced slowly in panoramic Huntington Lake with three floatplanes in the edge of the dark water. The dinner table was placed in the front lawn with both Capt. and Mrs Howdy at both ends; Troy had even dressed them up earlier for the occasion in loud coloured clothes. The candlelit table was filled with cooked food—the baby-moose meat in various dishes.

Reeves and True Bob sat at one end and across was Troy beside two empty seats. The front door of the house opened—Joe led a blindfolded giggling Laura out. Troy lighted the candles on a simple fruit cake with thirteen candles on it.

After the night they had rescued the comatose Laura from LA, they had stopped at a drug store and a mart and bought some medical supplies for their injuries, groceries and beers with the money Joe robbed from the hospital's night auditor before their returning to their lake-house hideout.

Laura reached the table and Joe removed her blindfold and she laughed while everyone sang her a birthday song. "Mimi, make a wish and blow the candles!" Joe hurried her.

She smiled at everyone present. "I've got everything that I can wish for—now guys, I am going to wish that all of your own wishes come true!" She blew the candles, they clapped. Laura sat and commented shamefacedly...

"I am 30 today, why so few candles?"

It was Troy's idea and he told her, "we decided to celebrate your 13th birthday tonight and we will celebrate your 14th when we get you into Canada."

She laughed in delight and Joe then added in gusto. "Then a birthday every weekend until we hit your 30th —after that Mimi, you are on your own—and we have to follow the calendar and wait for your own 31st"

Joe also has decided to call her Mimi so that he can be compeer to Reevebecause they both know each other for the longest time since their Wesleyan days.

Laura stood up. "You are all so sweet, thank you so much," she went around the table hugging and kissing everyone except True Bob who doesn't like to be hugged—he shook her hand instead.

True Bob took a six-pack of beers hidden under the table and joined the merry, "Here is something I saved for the occasion!" Everyone cheered. "You are awesome Chief," said Joe before he turned to Laura, "by the way, the cake was mine." True Bob mocked back, "but I hid it or else we would not have a birthday cake, right Fat-boy?"

Reeves was silently observing the group. Laura's easing presence has made them all less tensed—and more coddled and jovial—but he still felt they should hit the road and start moving at first-light once the party had ended—For the moment, he too wanted to kick back and enjoy Laura's birthday— but more as the silent observer sort, which was of his nature.

True Bob was laughing as he placed a beer in front of each guy and he heard Laura. "I want a beer too, Truman—I am now old enough to drink, am I not?"

Troy intervened, chuckling. "No, not yet, you are just 13, remember? Furthermore, we don't know what meds you have been on so far and whether alcohol will affect you. But you can steal a sip or two from us.

Laura looked at Reeves who was in thoughts, she reached across the table and held his hand...

"Reeves, why are you so quiet?" Joe decided to answer on his behalf. "That is Reeves—he doesn't say much, but when he does—everybody better listen!" Everyone laughed.

Laura noticed some similarity, "That is so like my Dad—he does not say much too and he hardly spoke to any of us at home," she squeezed Reeves' palm, "Come on dear, talk to me, tell me about your school days. I heard you studied in a research facility called ...err, something University".

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