Chapter 17

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It's one of those extremely rare days. I finally have the house all to myself, or at least I hope I do. I got out all my favorite junk foods. I pulled up Netflix on television. Finally I changed into my favorite comfy clothes, a pair of soft cotton short shorts with matching crop top. I just settled with my blanket straight when my phone began to vibrate on the table. I groan as I reach for it. There's a text from Natasha asking me to go out tonight. I decided not to answer. I know she really wants to whine about Thomas and fish for information. He's been less and less available recently and she doesn't like that, not at all. Of course she was completely okay with making plans that didn't include him however she's never been one to enjoy having the proverbial shoe on the other foot.

I open a bag of Cheetos and barely get one in my mouth when my phone is dancing across the table once again. "Seriously?!" I groan. I toss the bag on the table, picking up my phone again. This time it's Torie asking me to call or text Tash so she will leave her alone. That makes me literally laugh out loud. I text them both that I am talking to my parents right now knowing that will buy me some time. Thankfully both of my texts are met with exactly what I expected, complete and total silence. I fluff my pillow and snuggle under my blanket, feeling an

odd sense of deja vu. If one of the boys walks in today I will be so pissed. I really need some alone time. I raised the remote, ready to scroll through the menu when I heard it. I stop, mute the t.v. and listen as the noise gets louder, obviously coming closer. It only caught my attention because I don't hear this sound in this neighborhood. Not that I shouldn't, hell I would think I would to be honest. As much as these rich people have expensive "toys" I'm shocked there aren't at least one or two on every street. It's the unmistakable sound of a motorcycle. I'm not just talking about any motorcycle either, I hear the unmistakable sound of a Harley Davidson. I go to the window and sure enough there is a guy getting off a Harley. However, what I find unusual is that he is in my driveway.

"What the fuck? Who in the hell....?" my voice trails off as I squint my eyes through the window. I go to the front door and open it. I'm determined to tell this idiot off because clearly he is at the wrong house. But when I step outside Ethan is coming up the walkway. His smile lights up his face the moment he sees me. "Guess what I just bought," he says, unable to contain his excitement. "Shut the fuck up!" I exclaim. Leaning around him I try to get a look without stepping outside. I'm not exactly dressed for public exposure. "Are you serious?" My excitement grew to match his. I've always loved motorcycles. I would love to have one of my own. I've dated several guys that had one as well. I will get one some day. Until then, living vicariously through others is what I will have to do. "Yeah, go check it out. Is Xavi here?" he glances around over my head. "Nah, everybody is out," I told him.

I quickly look around at the houses immediately around us and I don't see anyone outside. "Oh fuck it," I sigh. With a bounce in my step I head over to look at the bike. It's a beautiful powder black with all chrome accents. Ethan has been talking about getting one for years. I'd gotten to the point where I thought he was just running his mouth. "I've got to say Ethan, I'm impressed man." I admit. "I've been checking this baby out for a while now. You want to go for a ride?" he asks me. "Do I? Fuck yeah I do. Let me go change. I'll be right back." I squeal.

I hear him roaring with laughter as I haul ass up to my room. I quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It took me a minute to locate a pair of sneakers but I finally did. Lastly, I grab a hair tie in order to pull my hair back. I ran down the stairs and out the front door, locking it behind me. I quickly slipped my key in my front pocket. Ethan is standing by the bike shaking his head and holding two helmets. He holds one out to me as I approach him. "Come on, let's go!" I say, not bothering to hide my enthusiasm.

CONSENT: Book 1 in The Dangerous Games seriesWhere stories live. Discover now