Chapter 18

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"All I'm saying is you're not telling me the whole story. Don't forget, I know you. More than most people I might add." Tasha shook her hairbrush at me before returning to the mirror one last time. We had been going back and forth for so long I forgot for a moment what in the hell she was even pestering me about. "Oh God Tasha, you are driving me insane, just drop it already woman, damn!" I think it had something to do with Thomas but I wasn't even sure at that point. It was only 6pm and I tossed back my 4th tequila shot in less than an hour. Throw in the fact I hadn't eaten and it's a wonder I wasn't already drunk. Torie was on her way over. She and Ethan both promised that if alcohol was abundant they would keep things civil, at least for the evening. I personally gave it two, maybe three hours tops.

We'd decided to just have an old school house party. All of my roommates including my brother were there. I invited Natasha and Torie as well. I think we were all just a little tired of the whole club/bar scene. It was just getting a little boring. Rumor was that Xavi's on again/off again girlfriend Reese might stop by. I'm pretty sure the majority of us were praying it stayed just that, a rumor.

"Alright I got pizza coming and Thomas is at the liquor store so any special requests better hit him up now or go without," Marc announced, holding his cell phone out for any takers. " I'm sticking with beer tonight, but only a few..." David said, his voice trailed off at the end. I scrunch my face in confusion. "Why?" Ethan's amused voice came from behind me. "He's got to attend a luncheon tomorrow with Mummy and Daddy." He snickered, his mischievous eyes full of glee as he teased. I chuckled slightly, more at Ethan's pathetic attempt at a british accent than the actual information. I stopped when I saw David's scorching stare. "Fuck you Ethan." David muttered, his eyes pinched as he glared. Of course Ethan being himself wasn't phased. Laughing off David's obvious irritation he simply replied "Nah- maybe later though." David's face turned red as we all laughed.

"Has anyone seen my cell phone or heard it ring?" Xavier asked. His voice had a hint of panic as he scanned the living room before turning toward the kitchen. "Oh god, if he's back with Reese somebody needs to find it quick or we'll all have a long ass night." Tasha whispered. The sad thing is it was true. We all seemed to read each other's thoughts for a moment as we looked around the room at one another. Almost as if we received the same internal message at once everybody paused to try and find Xavi's phone. In the midst of our search, the front door opened and Torie came in.

" 'Sup guys! Hey Xavi, found this in the driveway. You should take better care of your shit man." she sauntered in and made her way to the kitchen. As she passed Xavi she tossed his cell phone at him. I saw a silent sigh of relief wash over all our faces. "Damn Torie, you're a lifesaver. I owe you man." He grinned broadly before taking Torie by the shoulders and kissing her on the cheek. Silence followed as he turned and ran up the stairs. All eyes were on Torie waiting for her reaction. Xavier never touched Torie, he definitely wouldn't just kiss Torie, even on the cheek. Finally she cleared her throat. "Him and Reese back on again huh?" She tossed some bags on the counter. "Uh-huh." we all replied collectively, our heads nodding like a room full of bobble heads. She scoffed and shook her head, "Dumbass." She then reached into her bags and proceeded to unload every liquor known to man.

"Damn girl, how drunk you planning to get?" Marc exclaimed as he examined each bottle as she lined them up along the countertop. "Well I'm not a stingy bitch. It's for all of us. But we doin some shots tonight so everyone be prepared.'' She pulled out a sleeve of disposable shot glasses as well. "David can't really drink," I told her as I also paroused the line up of choices. "And why not?" she asked, her tone almost chastising. She turned to look for David but I answered before her eyes could find him. "Lunch with the parents" I told her with a roll of my eyes. "Fine, but everyone else get yourselves prepared. Tonight we will be playing Sins and Secrets, the Torie edition." Her voice resonated throughout the whole lower living area so that everyone heard her. "Seriously?" I asked at the same moment Tasha burst into laughter. "Kit, can I back out of our previous arrangement?" Ethan muttered under his breath. Torie shot him a death glare. Obviously his words came out much louder than he thought. He laughed as he threw his hands up in the air. "Kidding, I was just kidding." Part of me couldn't help but wonder whether or not he was.

CONSENT: Book 1 in The Dangerous Games seriesWhere stories live. Discover now