Chapter 37

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I placed my hand over his as he gripped my waist, planting my body tightly against the trunk of the tree. His eyes, my God, the fire in his eyes burned straight through to my core. His thumb moved in languid circles over my hip. Is he even aware of what he's doing? "I-I-I-....we-we......"I stuttered, powerless to connect my words. Very slowly his lips rise into a half smile as I stammer, unable to form a coherent thought. I've never been so tongue tied in my life. At that moment he could do anything to me. He could order me to do anything he wants me to do. I know I would not, could not refuse. "Breathe Katya." I take a deep shaky breath and let it out slowly.

Have I even blinked? I'm honestly not sure. The moment my eyes close his grip tightens ever so slightly. Abruptly my eyes fly open and a moan escapes my trembling chest. What is happening right now? A beam of light from somewhere across the yard shines over my face. I see his green eyes, they have flecks of amber that seem to glimmer in this light. He leans his upper body closer to mine. Quietly I whimper as I take a shuddering breath. His voice is still calm and even. However those eyes, those eyes burn right into my soul. "I'm.......waiting......" Gage informs me, his lips hovering close to mine. My skin broke out in chill bumps from head to toe as my knees began to shake. I am more turned on than I've ever been, instinctively I press my thighs together, relishing the sensation of warmth and tingling from the compression. While my movement was subtle he picked up on it with the eyes of a hawk. His focus instantly dropped to the apex of my thighs. Slowly his eyes travel back up to my face. Pausing at my mouth, he licks his lips before capturing me in his gaze yet again.

Somewhere from the shadows the sound of footsteps through the grass comes closer and closer. Neither of us attempt to move, I'm not sure that either of us wants to...."Okay, that was not something I care to do again," Circe comes around the tree and immediately assesses the situation, "Now let's get the .......awwww fuck me .....really??" Gage turns his angry gaze in her direction briefly. His grip at my waist doesn't waiver and I watch as his eyes snap to his hand which is still covered with my own. My grip had been the one to tighten this time and the tension between us amplified ten fold. Circe starts to speak and without turning her way Gage holds up his hand and her mouth clamps shut. "Circe, here are my keys and the valet ticket for my car. Go out front and retrieve it and I will meet you there." Still looking into my eyes he holds his keys out in her direction. She barely looks at me before taking the keys and turning back toward the house.

"I want you to get in your car and drive back to my house." My eyes fill with confusion. "But-" Firmly he places his finger to my lips and my words halt as my breath catches. "You have a GPS, use it. It's a fifteen minute drive. I expect you to be there in twenty minutes, not one minute over that. When you arrive we are going to sit down and you will explain yourself. Am I understood?" He let go of my hip and I stumbled slightly at the unexpected loss of pressure that was holding me still. My obvious flustered state causes him to chortle under his breath. He steps toward me and his close proximity makes my blood pump hard through my chest. Leaning into my ear he speaks just above a whisper and his lips just barely graze the tip of my ear. My heart pounds hard as I attempt to control the shivers threatening my body. "Go Katya......Now."

He turns from me and casually walks toward the house, fully confident I will obey his directive. My chest heaves and I place my hand against the tree as I regain my composure. When my legs finally steady I turn and trek back toward the road to my waiting car. As I walk, thoughts running through my mind, my anger slowly begins boiling to the surface. I pass through the iron gate and slam it closed behind me. I reach the car and yank open the door, sitting in the driver's seat I toss my discarded heels on the floorboard. Screw him. Where does he get off anyway? My own brother doesn't even speak to me like that. Closing the car door I crank the engine. I hit the steering wheel a few times as I growled in frustration. I don't need this shit! I'm going home. What the hell is he going to do about it anyway?

CONSENT: Book 1 in The Dangerous Games seriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora