devils territory pt.16

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Y/n's pov:

It's been a month since Ethan has left me,  I missed the thrill, his liveliness, and the mystery of where things were going. But he said this life wasn't for me. I refused to believe he had to leave me, but I was frightened how easily I pushed to the back of my head how he had taken a mans life. Although I brought it up again it still frightened me how easily I believed his words. I have been wanting to write these thoughts of mine down on the last few clean pages of my journal I had left, but I couldn't find it. I didn't remember bringing it in, but I also didn't remember leaving it in Ethans car. I was hoping I hadn't left my journal in Ethans vehicle, but I found no time to worry as my alarm for work went off. I huffed out a frustrated sigh, I knew cramming my thoughts down my throat was unhealthy but my way of coping was lost.

The cafe was fairly slow today, I wished it would have been busier to distract me from my thoughts. I smiled and took orders as they slowly came letting out a sigh after I delivered them their coffee knowing my smile was just an act. I didn't want people to ask if I were okay, I felt as if that would cause me to crumble. I let out a sigh as a sweet old woman no younger than sixty thanked me for her coffee and walked off after giving me a generous tip of five dollars. It was quiet again other than the chatter of a few kids who were lucky enough to be able to afford college or who would be neck deep in student loans when they're thirty and the sounds of my co-workers and coffee machines.

"Is it true?!" I heard a familiar voice yell as I heard someone breathlessly burst into the cafe that was all too quiet, I looked up along with everyone else to see no other than Ethan.

"what?" I barely muttered, my heart shattered as he held up my journal.

he read it.

Ethan's pov:

A month without y/n was terrible, I had noticed her journal in my car the night I had left her, for her to wake up without me. It had pained me to leave that night, but I had to. I did horrible things, and whether or not I could let go of the life of crime, the horrors would follow and so would the business that always managed to lay unfinished one way or another. I mean what I said to y/n I wanted to turn my life around from her and I wanted to love her, but I knew nothing would ever just stop and allow us to just simply be happy or settle down.

I did love her. I do love her.

"Is it true?!" I yelled into the cafe that held only a handful of people who were focused on typing before I burst into the cafe like a maniac.

"what?" she barely muttered out as I held up her journal.

I noticed all the eyes on us and she did too, she came out from behind the counter and made her way too me so we could speak at a quieter level.

not here.

I grabbed her arm and lead her out of the restaurant and to my car, she understood what I was trying to do and opened the passenger side of my car getting inside.

I made my way to the other side and sat in the drivers seat, it was awfully silence this time not comfortable like it had been all the times before.

"you knew about everything and saw all of the monstrous things I am capable of and you still loved me?" I asked her softly breaking the silence that had became unbearable.

"yes." she said softly "I still loved you, and still love you" her words faded almost into a whisper.

"you said you saw the devil in my eyes, but you ignored it. I think that was a stupid fucking move y/n" I chuckled out of frustration and rubbed my face and saw nothing but anger in hers.

"I ignored it because I didn't care about the dangers of being with you if that meant you were turning your life around and escaping this hell hole" she snapped at me and it annoyed me more.

"well I fucking cared" I spat back hating this shouting, and hating this argument in general.

It fell silent after we both snapped at each other and I saw her leaning toward the door to leave me alone in the car. A selfish man who just can't let her go.

and I wasn't

I caught her arm and pulled her back, "you're so bloody stupid" I whispered before kissing her lips and melting into the kiss we shared.

She pulled away first and drew her hand back slapping me on the face, I wasn't upset or even angry.

I deserved it.

y/n's pov:

I kissed him back once he had pulled me to where we were face to face and finally shut up.

I pulled away from the kiss first with a smile before drawing my hand back and slapping ethan. He wasn't even mad or even surprised. He almost looked proud like he knows he deserved it. 

"that is for leaving me" I whispered and leaned in again

being without him was hell, not him. and he had done more damage to me than any bullet. It felt pathetic to me but without him there if felt like death. I couldn't find happiness in anything including my job and i loved my job.

even if it was just being a barista.

I loved working with coffee and the public, learning the regular customers and their orders brought me joy.

and I couldn't even find happiness in that after he left.

I kiss him again only for him to pull away this time and look at the cafe and then back to me

"lets go buy a house together" he started the car and sped out of the parking lot.

I was speechless and didn't known what to say, it was exciting and my adrenaline began to pump through me.

I knew I would lose a vacation day for not finishing my shift. I tried not to worry about the money. I knew he knew I could not afford a house right now especially with the money I make.

$5 dollars is a generous tips to me.

I didn't want to end things but I also want can't afford bankruptcy.

this is irresponsible and stupid.

authors note:

unedited: ignore spelling errors

it has been so long since I published another chapter. i honestly don't know what this ending lead to, but new chapters soon!! i apologize for any errors especially toward the end because I kept dozing off. 

Thank you all for the kindness and patience

@sweetedols & @sweetespam never on instagram :')

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