Chapter 1

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The sun was out and it was about 60 in Italy. The place of love, of dreams, hopes and good food. It was my home since I was a wee little girl. Families shared everything, gossip, food & drinks (at right age of course) . In Italy, family was life. And for me one day, today, a man was my life. I had the biggest crush on this guy, tall hazel eyes and a smile that could out shine any amount of sunlight for days. I caught his eyes one day at the deli on the corner by my house. I made it so I could go shopping for Sunday family meals she I knew he would be on. He didn't mind, we knew each other for years. My best friends brother. So. We were close. The nights I would stay at her house, he would come down and his shirt would half the side cut out, which I thought he did it? Nope they came that way. Gotta love fashion right? Anyways I never wanted to go any further then friends with him. His sister forbid it anywho. Our families didn't get along the kids however we didn't care.

Anyways, today I was headed to get some Italian sausage, angel hair pasta, greens, red wine and some ingredients for manicotti, my favorite! I could hear his voice down the block . He was loud, oh my! I stepped inside and he turned to me and smiled . His name was Shannon. Girls flocked to him and he had lots of girlfriends, many didn't last. He played with hearts so but its ok, it wasn't like I was gonna pursue him like that.

S" where have you been? You know how long I've had your order ready?". Me" oh Shannon it hasn't been that long ". He pointed to his watch and grinned. S" hours my bella , hours ". Me" you take after you mother I swear ". He opened his mouth wide and said " I am not! ". Me" just like her Mr dramatic". S" that's it get out, o have the right to refuse service ". I leaned up against the window casing and pulled the front of my shirt down just enough to give him a peak. His eyes shot straight into the target. Bingo. Me" you were saying? ". S" no bribes either! ". I threw my hands up and said " I can't with dear mother Sofia in heaven I can't ". I went over to the dessert casing and looked over yesterday's goodies. Hmmm well one or two wouldn't hurt me. Or three. Sweet tooth.

Oh my what the hell? S" what are you doing looking at my goods hmmm?". I felt his hands on my hips and he looked over my shoulder. Oh he smelled good! Me" you know, I am not your arm rest Shannon. ". He pinched my sides and played with my hair as I was like his horse. S" gidde up !". I smacked his leg and he backed off. I quickly turned and he had a huge grin on his face.

Me" what's so funny? ". S" your all mad ". Me" you like that do ya?". He leaned in and kissed my cheek and said in a cheeky way " I do bell, it makes me laugh ". I smacked his tummy and he grabbed my hand and held it for a long couple seconds. I looked in his eyes and he didn't say anything to me. I wanted to be inside his mind, know what he thought while he looked back at me.

Shannon backed up and still held my hand shouting over to the other boss " I'm taking a break I will be back ". Me" where are we going? ". S" you will soon see ". We waited on a curb and a carriage pulled up. A white horse and a man with a barae was in front. Shannon opened the door and held out his hand " after you my lady ". Where was this side hiding?

We got seated and he was very close to me. I don't know what to think with him.

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