Chapter 1

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—-Kihyuns pov—-
I could hear voices coming from different directions around me but i couldn't see, move or even breathe.
It felt like something was wrapped around my neck but yet I couldn't imagine what it was or try to feel it.

All I could focus on was the aching pain coming from the random areas of my body and the pounding in my head.

The voices didn't help with the pain either, but they weren't clear enough for me to hear anyway.

—-Third person POV——

A doctor walked in to check on the small boy who was lying still in the hospital bed. The room was of an average size, featuring a large window on the left wall which showed the city below.  But the window was hard to see out of as sympathy cards and flowers were filling up the window ledge space.

The doctor walked over to the small screen located above the bed to check the health of kihyun.

"How is it looking, Dr Min" A younger nurse said as she joined the two in the room.

"The brain waves are picking up showing activity in the head but it's unclear how much damage has been done up there" The male exhaled as he looked down at the boy below.

"I feel so bad for him, I can't even imagine what's going to happen when he wakes"

"Don't worry about it for now let's just wait till that hurdle gets here" The man reassured his co worker as they both then exited the room leaving the younger alone.

—- 10 days after the attack ——

"Kihyun, Kihyun! Take it slow, your eyes need to adjust to the light in the room." One nurse spoke as the brown haired boy awoke from his slumber causing a number of hospital workers to run into his room.

"Whoa hang on, don't rush up too fast" You'll make yourself dizzy.

"Take it easy, your bo—

"What happened? Where am I ? what's going on?" Kihyun whispered as he opened both his eyes and leaned up from the bed. He put his hands to his head only to realise his arms were in bandages.

"what? what's goi— Kihyun was cut off by the doctor who rushed to his side and ushered him to lye down.

—— Kihyuns POV——

I was trying to understand everything but nothing made sense around me.  My hands and legs were in bandages, I am in hospital and there are hundreds of cards and flowers on the widow and chair in the room.
"Kihyun we know this can be distressing but we need you to calm down before we speak or talk to you"

"I am calm!" I accidentally shouted at the man whoa trying to get me to lye down.

"Look calm down we're here to help, we're going to bring in Nayeon she will explain everything okay?"

"Right.." I exhaled. Watching as the doctors left I looked over to the cards sat on the window ledge.
It was hard to make out what they said but it looked like "sorry" or "sympathy" cards.

Did people think I had died? Why?

I don't remember anything, actually I think I remember being somewhere unfamiliar but my head hurts everything I try thinking about what happened to make me end up here.

But before I could think about it further, a young looking lady knocked on the open door, a small smile plastered on her face.

"Mr Yoo, hello how are you this afternoon ?"

"Not great can you please explain to me what is going on ? also where are my parents? do they know i'm here?" I noticed she winced ever so slightly as i said parents.

"Mr Yoo this is what I am here to talk to you about please listen to me and let me finish." The women who I think was called Nayeom said. As she came and sat on the end of my bed.

I didn't respond instead just giving her a puzzled expression.

"Last Saturday, yourself and fellow dance members participated in the final of the dance competition." I tried to remember what she was talking about but it was just a blur.  "Unfortunately during your performance. I am sorry but a small number of individuals came close to the stage and" She looked down at her lap, and wiped a tear from her eye.

I didn't even realise she was crying.

"They caused a bombing, which killed your mother and father as well as some of your band mates, however one is still in intensive care"

I felt sick to my stomach, my heart started to race and I couldn't think straight. This couldn't be true she's lying, this couldn't be.

——Third person POV—-

Anyone outside the hospital room would be able to hear the wails and cries coming from the boy inside.

"Your lying!! Get out" Kihyun yelled at nayeon, startling the women.

"Kihyun please listen we're here for-"

"No get away this isn't true stop pretending" The boy yelled again causing her to get up from the bed and make her way to the door.

"Kihyun please it's going to be okay you just need-

"To calm down that's what the doctors said too !! Don't tell me what I can and can't do when i've just been given that news!" He put his head in his hands and curled up into his blankets letting out his emotions.

Nayeon had closed the door and let a few tears flow down as the other doctors looked from the small window on the door.

You can't hide the liesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें