Chapter 4

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——Kihyuns POV——

I was trying to work out who the visitor was when I was cut from my thoughts, I looked up to watch as the door slowly opened revealing the people I least expected.

"I- I um hello" I managed to mutter out feeling the blood rush to my cheeks, embarrassed that i could barely speak in front of my idols.

"Hey" Each of the members said as they made their way through the door.

"I- sorry i- didn't know you were coming" I tried to pull the duvet covers up so it covered my pijamas.

"It's okay, don't worry. How are you doing today?" Changkyun asked as himself and the others moved closer to the bed.

I pulled my legs closer to me, gesturing my arms for them to sit on my bed.

"Ah sorry I didn't realise you were coming i would have tidied normally i'm pretty tid-

"Kihyun it's fine please don't worry, we're here to talk to you not draw up a room inspection" Wonho chimed as he sat on the chair in my room brining it forward so that hyungwon could sit on the arm. Chamgkyun on my left side and Jooheon on the right with shownu standing behind next to minhyuk.

"Thank you so much for coming, it.. it means a lot I don't/haven't had many visitors just random family friends who feel bad for me who drop in complaining about how hard it is for them" I muttered out looking down at my hands again.

"You can complain too you know, we're here to listen" Jooheon brought his hand onto mine. I accidentally flinched away not used to the contact.

"Sorry I just, it's been hard here and lonely too. I'm just not used to all this" I awkwardly laughed looking up at the again.

"It's okay, we can only imagine what you've been through. By the way we brought you some things to help perhaps cheer you up" Minhyuk chirped.

Reaching into the bad in his hands, he pulled out a card, which I took.

It was in a yellow envelope with sunflowers and whale stickers stuck everywhere.

"Sorry that was min's idea, the decoration there" Hyungwon laughed bringing his hand to his face.

I placed the envelope down on my lap and watched as minhyuk pulled out a whale plushie as well as chocolates.

"He used to help me when I would be worried or stressed about something or situation. I figured you could use him too" He said setting the whale next to me and placing the chocolates on the ledge.

"Thanks" I smiled at him. "Have you visited many people today?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Yeah we met a couple of families and workers, it was nice they-

"wait did you meet yugeom? is he okay? how's he feeling?" I quickly asked trying to get information about him seeing as none of the nurses would tell me.

But they all looked at each other as if they were hiding something. Noticing my confused expression shownu quickly spoke up "We didn't get the chance maybe we will see him afterwards" He said but I noticed his voice sounded off. Somewhat sad.

"Yeah, If you do can you tell him I say hi ? That I miss him too?"

"Of course, were you too close?" Someone asked, I didn't look up anymore just reaching for the whale and pulling it to my chest.

"He's like a brother to me, he was the one who got me into dance in the first place. I love him so much"

I didn't want to look up and face them so instead i just brought my knees up to my chest resting my head on top.

"You look tired kihyun, maybe we should let you sleep? Visit tomorrow again?" Wonho asked, this time i made eye contact with him noticing tears were pricked in the corners of his eyes.

I just hummed in response, suddenly feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me.

"I'm sorry I haven't felt this tired or wanted to sleep in ages, i haven't properly slept at night since well you know"

"It's fine, you can call me kyun by the way" I smiled and watched each member get up from their seats.
"Can we give you a hug before we go?"

I just nodded, and reached my arms out embracing their warmth as each one came and hugged me.
Last was shownu, he pulled away and brushed my fringe out the way " try get some rest kyun we'll be here tomorrow"

"Thank you" I pulled him back and hugged him again before releasing him to his band mates.

As they exited the room I couldn't help but feel this warm feeling, I quickly grabbed the plushie minhyuk gave me and pulled the covers up. Slowly shutting my eyes and drifting off.

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