Chapter 18

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Kihyun POV —-

"Kihyun! Have you got them?" I heard minhyuk call out, he was walking towards the door.

I didn't know what to do with the letter, so I quickly scrunched the paper up and hid it under his jumper, just before minhyuk opened the door.

"Got it" I got up holding the shorts and rushing past minhyuk in the door way.

I couldn't believe it, had shownu really not given it to him. He said he would, he promised.

Maybe It was by accident he didn't have a lot of time I guess.. but then why did he keep it?

"Kihyun, You okay I've been calling you and you didn't answer me?" minhyuk placed his hands on my shoulders cutting me off from thinking too much.

"Yeah I'm fine" I pushed him off me and walked towards the front door. "Did they need anything else before we go?"

"No I don't think so" Minhyuk replied, I watched as he pulled out his phone. But I didn't want to talk to him, I just needed space so I left the building and took a longer route to the spa.

—Minhyuk POV—

———————Kihyun POV——-

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———————Kihyun POV——-

I didn't stop to look back and see if minhyuk had followed, I just carried on walking through the sand over to the spa.

I didn't realise how fast I had walked until I suddenly reached the brown door of the spa.

Pushing it open I was greeted with the members who were sat in the waiting room, they were looking down at there phones, but the heads quickly snapped towards me as I walked in.

I chucked the shorts onto shownu's lap, about to walk back out the door.

"Kihyun wait are you not joining too?" Jooheon called out.

"No, I .. Um don't feel like it. I think I might just go watch a film instead" I quickly replied my hand still on the handle.

"I can join you if you want, I don't really fancy swimming today anyway" I heard shownu call.

"No I don't want you!" "I mean I just want to be alone" I saw his smile dropped and he looked hurt at what I said, But i didn't want to talk to him.

Before I could wait for his reply I left the place bumping into minhyuk on the way.

I carried on walking ignoring his questions and making my way back over to the house. I walked straight in heading for my bedroom and jumped into bed,  I felt tears roll down my cheeks. But I didn't even know why I was getting upset, it wasn't like he did anything wrong he just told a lie.

I felt my head get heavy and slowly I began to feel more and more tired.

———— 2 hours later——-

I suddenly awoke to shouting coming from downstairs, I rubbed my eyes not paying attention to who it was. I looked over and saw my phone on the nightstand, I had been asleep for just over 2 hours and clearly the voices downstairs indicated that the boys were back.

I quietly got out of my bed, tip toeing to the door. I knew I shouldn't ease drop but I was curious to what they were talking about.

"Stop Right now...No.. No.. This is your job your supposed to help your patients not make it worse... I knew not telling him would have made it worse..... Look how he reacted to the letter... You told me... No... Are you serious?..... This is ridiculous... So now what do we do then?.... Excuse me?.... What do you mean it's not the hospitals job anymore... Have you even gotten plans for when we get back?.... Kihyun doesn't deserve this" Then I heard an angry sigh followed by what I can only assume Is a phone hitting the floor.

"Shownu calm down, we can" I think hyungwon said.

"What the hell do you mean calm down?! Kihyun's missed not only his families funerals but his best friends who he didn't even know was dead? How the fu** do you expect us to tell him all this"

—Third POV—

There was a sudden thud, heard behind one of the doors. Diverting all the members heads away from the eldest member, they quickly rushed to were the noise came from.

However once they had opened the door, they collectively gasped.

Kihyun was slumped down on the floor, his hands on his head, fears streaming down his face.

"Kihyun?" Minhyuk walked over to the boy about to reach out and comfort him.

"NO stay back" He took a deep breath " lied to me" He began to broke down in tears pointing at the eldest member.

"Kihyun it's not like this we-" Chankyun stepped closer to the boy.

"No you all knew this, you knew. He was gone and yet you still let me believe he was with me. alive" Kihyun managed to say in between sobs.

"It wasn't planned like this, we didn't mean to it was just the hospital" Hyungwon went to explain but he was cut off.

"I don't want to hear it, you let me trust you. You let me believe I could actually still go on despite what had happened to me" He eyes were now blood shot and he began to get up off the floor.

"But it's not like that really we just-" Before Minhyuk could carry on. Kihyun rushed past them all and made his way out of the house.

He ran past the other houses and buildings until he reached the other side of the island. Finding a spot close to the water, he sat down bringing his knees to his chest before he began to sob.

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