Chapter 12

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—Third POV—

As the elevator came to a stop indicating that they had reached the ground floor, kihyun stood back from the opening. His legs were trembling and his eyes were wide, as he waited for it to open. 

Shownu noticing the younger's  discomfort, changed the bag in his right hand to put into his left, then silently he gripped onto the youngers hand.

Kihyun startled jolted and looked up facing the elder, but shownu didn't look down just faced the exit waiting for wonho to walk out with the luggage.

Kihyun looked at the floor feeling slightly more eased that he was being comforted.

—-Kihyun POV—-

He feels bad for you, he's doing it out of sympathy, don't get too excited kihyun.

My smile quickly faded as I carried on walking behind shownu. After about ten minutes we finally made our way to the car park, in which hyungwon was waiting in the drivers seat.

I made eye contact with him, noticing how much he was smiling. He waved and rolled down the window "Kyun! How are you today?"

"I'm okay thanks hyungwon, yourself ?" I replied walking over to his side.

"Yah, I'm great, I really think this will be a great break for you and for us." He nodded to the back of the car, where the members were packing my suitcases in.

"haha I hope so" Jooheon came back over to where I was stood. Pulling up beside me and sliding back the door to the car seats. "Hop in kyun" He stated.

Climbing into the car, I perched myself next to the window. Shownu got into the front seat, minhyuk next to me with jooheon on his right. Wonho was tightly fitted in the back next to the pile of my suitcases.

"Chankyun didn't know what you wanted to eat, so he was going to wait till we're all back to decide if that's okay kihyun?" Hyungwon called from the front  seat looking at me through his mirror.

"Yeah that's fine" I hummed out.

They should have ordered without your input.. it's not like your going to eat it anyway.

——Time skip to the dorms——

They were all currently gathered around the table, devouring the many dishes laid out in front, wonho had ordered too much as per usual but they were giving their best efforts in finishing it all. Except for one who was slowly eating and picking at the sticky chicken on his plate.

The boys noticed throwing glances at one another but not saying anything just yet, putting the fact that he's probably nervous about the new changes to why he's not eating. 

"Ah kihyun you can sleep in my room tonight i'll sleep in here so you can get some rest" Shownu said, putting more pork into his mouth.

"Ah hyung you don't have to, I really don't mind sleeping in here or anywhere" Kihyun stated now placing his chopsticks down next to his bowl.

"Aish kihyun just accept it, shownu won't change his mind honestly" Minhyuk laughed. He grabbed a piece of beef from one of the plates offering it to the youngest member.

Changkyun opened his mouth accepting it, pulling a face as he swallowed it "Cute kihyunie" Wonho laughed.

The next hour or so carried on like this, then laughing and joking around while finishing their food. Trying their best to include their newest member into their conversations and jokes.

However as they were starting to bring kihyun out of his shell, hyungwon had noticed how late it had suddenly gotten. "Guys we should start heading to sleep, we have to be up early tomorrow for the flights" He gestured to the clock hanging in the room.

The members just nodded and finished their conversations moving to get up, kihyun started to get up grabbing plates and bowls stacking them up.

"Ah it's okay kyun, we can do this it's not your house your a guest."

"Hey while he's here it's his house too, but we'll treat you like a guest like minhyuk said." Shownu said taking the plates from the boys hand and heading into the kitchen followed by minhyuk.

"Kyun I can show you to hyungs room if you want, it's next to mine" Changkyun moved his arm out offering it to him.

"Thanks kyunie" Kihyun took changkyuns hand and followed him up the stairs to his room for the night. Whilst the youngest member in the group smiled the whole time, happy that kihyun had used his nickname.

"His room is here, I am sure he'll be up in a couple of minutes but in the mean time make yourself comfy" Changkyun said, walking over to his own room.

Kihyun turned around pushing open the wooden door to which opened to shownus room.

The walls were white, with picture frames on the wall of him and the members on different stages throughout their career. Walking closer he examined how shownu had framed almost every comeback stage, he smiled as he looked at the all remembering how inspiring they were for him when he would learn their choreography.

There was a double bed in the middle room with simple grey sheets and cushions, with two white dressers next to the bed. Nothing exciting on either of them just a pair of headphones, he looked to the left and in the corner of the room was a desk with pictures of what he presumed was his family.

Walking over he picked up the frame noticing how shownu looked so happy standing next to his parents. Not even realising the boy in the photo was standing at the door frame watching his movements.

Cleaning his throat shownu coughed, catching kihyun off guard almost causing him to drop the photo frame.

"Ah sorry hyung I was just looking, I promise I didn't take anything or touch anything. I was just looking at this" He panicked. Quickly placing the frame back on the orders desk and walking back.

"It's okay Kihyun, I don't mind really. You like my room?" Shownu was never good with starting conversations but he wanted to calm the younger down, seeing as he did give him a fright.

"Yeah it's simple, but cosy. I like it, especially the photos. Did the company take them or are they from fans?" Kihyun pointed to the ones on the wall.

"Ah those, I think our photographer took those, he's pretty good. Do you like to take photos?" Shownu walker over to his dresser taking out pyjamas and a jumper.

"Yeah, I love it. I used to take photos of our troop when we would go places together" He sighed as he finished his sentence as he thought about his friends.

"Maybe you'll have opportunities this week to take some?" Shownu asked, walking towards the door.

"Is this your attempt at giving me a hint?.. Hmm so it could be somewhere photogenic?" The younger smiled, showing off his dimples again.

"Haha you are clever you know that?" Shownu chuckled. "Get some sleep, i'll see you in the morning. Goodnight kihyun"

"Night Hyung" Shownu just nodded grabbing the door handle and pulling the door closed behind him.

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