Chapter 25

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—-Kihyun's POV —- On the Plane

On the plane journey back I was sat next to hyungwon, we chatted for a little while before he started dozing off. I took my phone out my pocket and just had a scroll through social media, uploading some photos onto twitter.

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I smiled as I looked down at the photo, even though we hadn't spoken about dating officially or anything like that

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I smiled as I looked down at the photo, even though we hadn't spoken about dating officially or anything like that. He really occupied a place in my heart already, I locked my phone. Placing it on my lap as I began to drift off into sleep too.


"Kyun? Kyun?"I was gently woken from my slumber, I opened my eyes to see who was softly prodding my shoulder.

Wonho was stood in the plane isle gently shaking hyungwon and myself.

"Mmm are we here?" I grumbled.

"Yeah we just landed come on, you need to get up" I looked over and hyungwon has his eyes open and was getting himself ready.

I quickly packed all my belongings in my bag and got out my seat following wonnie, we made our way down he stairs out of the plane to re group with the members. 

It was already dark outside when we finished going through security, and passport control. We were now currently stood in the cold waiting for the taxi shownu had called earlier, however I was a little unsure of where we were going as no one had said where we were going and everyone looked to tired anyway so I didn't want to bother them. 

As the taxi pulled up in front of the us wonho opened the door sliding it across gesturing me to get in, while himself and jooheon loaded the luggage. Hyungwon made his way to the front seat showing the driver the location, which I now presumed was their apartment. 

"Kihyun ah you okay?" Shownu asked sitting down in front of me, his hand resting upon my knee. 

I nodded and smiled in response. "Are we going back to your's?" I asked. 

"Yeah just for tonight? If that's okay?"  I just nodded and looked out the window again feeling a sudden wave of sadness, I knew I wouldn't be able to stay with them much longer but I wanted to stay just a little bit longer than a night. 

The boys went into conversation among themselves as I closed my eyes trying to zone out, I don't know why but shownu's words kind of hurt, deep down I really thought he would care and not let me go so easily. But clearly I was wrong. 

---- Shownu's POV---

I was making sure everything was ready for the surprise I had organised for Kihyun, I had some of our staff go to our apartment and decorate the spare room with his photography, family photos and all his items from his house. The had also placed balloons everywhere and made a banner that said welcome with all our faces on, however currently I was trying to make sure they had ordered his favourite chicken and had that ready too, as I was so hungry plus it's his favourite. 

I didn't get a text back from the staff so I hoped they had set everything up. 

"Just here is great thanks" I heard wonho say from the front seat as we pulled up to the building. "Here we go this should be enough" I heard wonho pull out his purse and pay the driver, whilst the rest of us unbuckled. 

Jooheon opened up the door, with the rest of us following out, grabbing our bags. I helped take kihyun's out and handed it to him noticing he had a hint of sadness in his eyes.  I felt more nervous now, what If he hates the idea of living with us, should I have asked him?

"Hyunwoo" Kihyun called getting me out of my thoughts, i was still holding onto his suitcase completely dazed out as he was trying to take it. 

"Ah sorry" I quickly let go grabbing my bag and heading up the stairs to our home. 

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