Chapter 7

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——-Third POV ———

"Hey Kihyun" "Hey" "How are you" Multiple voices spoke upon seeing the smaller boy in their hyung's arms.

"I am feeling a little better today, I actually slept okay" Shownu gently put the younger down on his bed, accidentally the whale of his bed.

"hey" Kihyun calles out reaching for the plush on the ground. Embarrassed when he picked it up and placed it back in his lap.

"Cute, do you like it ? the boys thought no one would like it" Minhyuk pouted coming and sitting back down on the bed, perhaps slightly closer than kihyun wanted. But he wasn't going to say anything.

"We didn't exactly say that" Hyungwon bit back.

"Yes you did don't lie in front of my friend" Minhyuk gasped placing his hands over his mouth. Causing kihyun to laugh.

However all eyes darted to him when they heard his laugh, they had barely seen his smile, let alone even think he would laugh with them.

"Friend?" The boy questioned looking up at minhyuk.

"Of course!" Minhyuk practically squealed, wrapping his arms around the smaller boys torso and nuzzling his neck into him.

"I- Thanks" Kihyun whispered. Watching as minhyuk wouldn't let go from around his waist.

"Sorry about him, by the way. He can get quite clingy" Changkyun said stepping closer to the bed.

"It's fine really, I know what it's like yugeom was like this all the time" As soon as the sentence had left kihyun's lips, he felt the boy in his arms tense as well as similar glances between the members. The ones just like yesterday.

"We has a question for you by the way ?" Jooheon said cutting the now formed tension in the air.

"Yeah?" Kihyun answered placing his hands closer to minhyuk's body.

"Do you have a bias among us, as well as do you know what twotuckgom is ? Our bears in particular?" Wonho asked smiling, showing his dimples.

"Well I mean how do I not know about that it's the cutest merchandise ever" The younger giggled and then his cheeks began to go pink again which was followed by the rosy tint now consuming his ears too. "I think my bias is shownu and I guess his bear is my favourite" He looked straight down now avoiding all eye contact with shownu or any members for a matter of fact.

"Aww thank you I'm honoured" Shownu was now blushing looking down at his shoes.

"Anyway we would like to give you a things that's why I asked." wonho typed it onto his phone just in case they forgot which seemed unlikely judging from shownu's behaviour.

——- The rest of the morning went on like this each member asking questions and chatting to Kihyun, getting to know the boy. ——-

Nurses came in and went listening to how kihyun was acting differently, more bubbly and comfortable. They hoped that perhaps the band members could visit often so Kihyun had a chance of a smooth recovery.

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