Chapter 37

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Wonho POV—-

I smiled watching the lovebirds walk down the path to the studio, hoping that kihyun would say yes to shownu's offer.
"Stop being so nosey bunny" Kyunnie whined at my side.

"I'm not i'm just worried about hyung he's been so nervous all day" I replied looking down at changkyun who was pouting.

"Come on I'll just follow them into the building I promise after that you'll have all my attention" I poked his dimples.

He just exhaled before saying "It's fine~" He took my hand skipping in front following the path towards the pair.

"Hey! Where are you guys going?" Hyungwon called behind us.

"We're being nosey!" Changkyun laughed not even turning back to look at the boys.

I heard minhyuk squeal before the members ran up behind us also heading in the direction is the lovebirds.

We all silently walked towards the door of the building, watching as the pair unlocked the door. However I recognised another figure a few yards behind them entering the apartment too, it was the lady sat in the restaurant earlier. Why was she following them again?

I had enough of her suspicions behaviour and ran from the group heading after her. I watched as the door shut behind her as she entered the building, I was still a few yards away sprinting now to keep up.

"STOP RIGHT THERE" A voice shouted just as I grabbed the door handle.

Turning around I was met with a police officer jogging towards me, his face looked out of breath as if he had just run too.

I looked at him in complete confusion as the members had caught me up, also questioning the officers comment.

"Do you know that women?" He asked as another officer sprinted up being him.

We all looked at each other panic written on each of the boys face.

"No?" I said.

"We've been watching her for weeks she's the main suspect in the attack, she's been following you all for months now" He said.

"What? What the f**k we were told the investigation was closed" Hyungwon questioned.

"We had to say that to keep her off our trail" One of the officer said. "We were planning on confronting her tonight, but we lost her out of view until just now"

"Then what are you doing still standing here" Changkyun screamed.

I turned facing him, completely distracted by changkyun's shout.

I watched as the officers pulled the door running straight in, the rest of us stayed out by the entrance watching as more police cars entered the area.
"They aren't all here from hyung and kyun right?" Jooheon called out. Pointing as the vehicles pulled up in front.

However our gaze shots up towards the building as a gun shot ripped through the night. It was followed by a second shot, causing all of us to flinch and move away.

I stood in shock watching as everything moved in slow motion in front of us, police officers ran out of their cars entering inside, while others ushered us away.

But I couldn't hear them, my legs carried more forward as I ripped away from changkyun heading into the scene. I sprinted up the stairs pushing past the officers calling me back, as I made my way to the floor I saw two officers restraining the women on the floor. Her face was smiling evilly as blood poured out from her stomach slacking her shirt and staining the floor.

However I rushed past them entering kyunnies studio, to see a sight out of what I could only describe as a horror film.

Shownu was led on the floor bleeding as an officer was talking to him, but there was blood everywhere I could see where he had been shot but I could see the life draining out of him.

But my heart broke as Kihyun was leant over him screaming and calling for him to stay awake. Walking over to him I held onto his body closing my eyes, I could not believe the scene i was witnessing.

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