Chapter 24

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Shownu POV

My arm felt numb as I began to wake up, I looked down and Kihyun was sleeping on it. Which made me smile, however the incident from last night kept ringing in my head. What lady was he on about ?

"Kihyun ah" I whispered out, running my hand up his back.

He began slowly stirring, groaning as I called to him again. I played with his hair as he began to gradually wake up.

"Shonwu" He whispered. "Can we cook waffles for breakfast"

I laughed, of course the first thing he would talk about when he woke up is cooking. Something i've recently learned is one of his favourite hobbies.

I reached down and placed a kiss to his cheek "Of course Kyun"

He yelled as he stretched in the bed his shirt rising showing his cute tummy, while he pushed his legs out of the bed.

"Come onnn" He jumper off the mattress and pulled on my arms trying to get me out of bed.

"Slow down" I replied as I reached the floor following the boy.

He went straight to the fridge while I gently sat down on one of the seats in the kitchen.

"Morning~" Jooheon walked in a clingy minhyuk buried in his sides.

"Minhyuk do you really need to be that close this early" I asked

"Mmm" He turned away from looking at me and buried his head in jooheon, preventing him from walking.

"Wish minhyuk please let me move, I need a drink"

"Ughh fine, but come back" He walked away from jooheon flopping down on the living room sofa. I nudged my head towards him looking at jooheon.

"He's just sad about leaving, we don't have long left now"

"Ahh but i'm sure we'll be able to come back one day"

"I don't care I wanna stay longer" Minhyuk whined from the sofa.

We all laughed at his childish behaviour as the other three members also made there way into the kitchen.

————- After breakfast

After we had finished eating the members and myself went to get dressed for our last day at the beach, I was the first one ready so I was currently sat in the living room. Still thinking about kihyun's dream. I couldn't think for long though as wonho quickly entered too

"You okay hyung you look lost?"

"I'm fine just worried about kihyun"

"Ah don't worry to much hyung I really think he's feeling better" He came and sat down at my side.

"No it's not that, He had a nightmare last night and he kept talking about a lady by the stage"

"The stage director?" He asked

I nodded in response "Mm but he said she looked nervous worried in fact, we've performed on hundreds of stages etc and not once have I come across a stage director nervous?"

"Hyung maybe she was having a bad day didn't feel well? You know they don't have to always be confident?"

"Something doesn't feel right hoseok, the attack, the people who went in must have spoken to someone inside the building in order to get in. They would have had to get passed security and know the timetable of the day of when the most amount of people would be in the room?"

I looked to wonho who now looked as confused as I was.

"You have a point but if it was... well actually i'm not sure"

"Maybe i should talk to some of the detectives when we get back see if it's any help"

"Okay hyung well I can come with you, but don't forget it was a dream kihyun had. It might not have even happened like that"

I nodded as he patted my back, the boys now walking in to join us too.

"ready?" Hyungwon called out pulling his sunglasses down.

"Of course" Wonho replied standing up.

We all began moving towards the door ready to spend our last day together here on the island.

But I couldn't enjoy it, I just couldn't get the thoughts out my head.

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