Chapter 10

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—- Time Skip —- One daybefore they fly ——

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—- Time Skip —- One daybefore they fly ——

Kihyun was packing his bags in the room, unsure of what exactly to bring as he still didn't know where they were going.

Never the less he was excited, nervous too but excited to get out of his current environment. He was  almost done when he realised he hadn't packed any of his medication, walking over to his bedside table he opened the draws and still couldn't find any of the tablets.

"Chaeyoung!" he called out, bending down under his bed to see if they had fallen below.

"Kihyun? You called" The nurse walked in.

"Do you know where any of my medication is I can't find it anywhere" He asked sitting down on his bed.

"Yeah I have it all labelled and packed outside, I was planning on giving it to one of the members. I think shownu is the one who I spoke to about it" The patient looked shocked, quickly moving to get out of the bed.

"What why I am old enough to look after it myself, I don't want to bother shownu. I can keep it safe don't-"

"Kihyunnn look I need to make sure your taking these as they are important for your body to recover. He kindly offered to deal with it to take the stress of you okay?"

Kihyun couldn't be bothered to argue or try to convince her as he knew that chaeyoung was suspicious of him "forgetting" his medicine.

Instead he just nodded and carried on packing the last final clothes and necessities.

As he was zipping up his case, he saw one of the cards had fallen from his window sill and was behind the table which his case was placed on. Reaching down he picked it up not recognising the front cover of the card, opening it up he read the message.

"To Kihyun,

I hope you and yugeom have a speedy recovery!

Get well soon
x x"

It didn't say who it was from, but seeing his friends name brought tears to his eye. The nurses still wouldn't let him see him or visit the other member from his dance group no matter how hard he asked or tried. He once had tried to look through one of the nurses files when they weren't looking but he couldn't even find his friends name.

So if he couldn't say goodbye or tell him he was going away for a little bit he decided he'd write a letter instead. He grabbed a black pen that was lying on one of the drawers and a page out of his notepad, then moving to sit on his bed so he could get comfortable while writing to his friend.

He sat there for about an hour writing about his time in hospital, how it had flown by so fast since monsta x had been visiting. Without realising he rambled on about his feelings with each member, shownu in particular he doted on. After finishing his last lines, he walked out his room to find a near by doctor "Excuse me, do you have any envelopes anywhere?" He asked to the unfamiliar worker.

"Yes, I can go grab some in a minute. What room are you from?"

"That one there" He pointed to the room a few feet away from where they were standing. To which the person nodded and walked away.

As he made his way back to the room, he wandered if he was doing the right thing, leaving his friend behind. But before he could think too much more on it the lady had walked in.

"Here, I presumed you wanted just the one?" She handed the envelope to the young boy.

"Yes thank you!" He chimed, showing of his unique smile.

"Your welcome, call if you need anything else" She responded walking away.

Kihyun quickly rushed to his bed and folded the letter up placing it securely inside the envelope and sealing it. Scribbling his friends initials on the front.

He placed the object on top of his luggage and wandered back over to his bed making sure to grab his two still new plushies and make sure to bring them too.

— Shownu POV—

The lift of the elevator opened telling us we had reached kyun floor, I was with wonho, jooheon and minhyuk. Whilst hyungwon waited in the car and changkyun stayed back at the dorm as there wasn't enough room in the car.

As we walked towards the door, chaeyoung stopped me "Shownu I have the things for you" She smiled.

"You guys go in, I need to pick up some things before we go with kihyun"

The guys just nodded walking on ahead and into the boys room.

"So I have labelled all the tablets and medicine, I've put the dates on them so which days he takes them as well as in the morning or evening etc. I have also put a note in here about what to look out for with him, making sure he eats etc. But i figured you are used to this sort of stuff anyway due to the fact your the leader of your own group"

"Not to the extent of this but yes I guess I am used to the responsibility" I took the bag from her hand and tied a not with the handles making sure nothing fell out.

"Um shownu do you want my number? So you can ask any questions or if you get stuck at all?" I looked down to her, noticing her cheeks were now bright pink. 

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