Chapter 15

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- Day 1 - 

The three members were sleeping peacefully in their beds resting from the excitement and travel of yesterday, when they were interrupted by an energetic Jooheon. 

"Wake Up! Wake UP!" The male tugged on each of their duvets. Hurrying up to changkyun and jumping straight on the smallers frame. 

"Jooheonn. get. off" He replied with gritted teeth. Pushing the bedding off his head, rubbing his eyes afterwards. 

"Come on, its already half ten I want to go to the beach" He responded pulling the younger up out of his position. 

"Aish we have two weeks here" Hyungwon grumbled, now also awake sitting up in bed. Looking over to the last bed in the room. However there was a figure missing. "where is kyun?" he mumbled, brushing the stray hairs out of his face. 

"He is showering, he got up earlier.  Now come on get up and ready hyunwoo wants to leave in the next hour" He whined, then running out the room. 

"Ughh I could kill him sometimes" Changkyun grumbled lying back down in his bed. 

"Pshh you love him really" Hyungwon chuckled, however it didn't last long as the other member quickly threw a nearby pillow at the older knocking him back down in bed. 


An hour had passed and after eating breakfast and eventually getting dressed the group made their way out of the house and down towards the near by beach. 

"lets set down here" shownu pointed to the ground as the members came to a halt placing their bags and towels on the sand. 

"Lets go" Minhyuk grabbed hyungwon's arm running over to the nearby rocks and rock pool's " I want to try and catch some starfish" The pair ran off leaving behind the others. 

"I want to build a sand castle, come join me" Jooheon pulled chankyun away to move closer to the sea. 

"Before we get thirsty in this heat, I am going to head to the shop and grab some beverages and see if the have ice cream." Wonho grabbed his purse from his rucksack walking away, leaving shownu and kihyun alone. 

"Well that leaves just us I guess" Shownu awkwardly laughed scratching the back of his neck. "Do you want to go for a swim?" 

"Maybe we should wait for hoseok to come back wait with the bags till he returns?" Kihyun suggested, grabbing one of the towels placing it on the ground so that they could both sit. 

"How are you feeling today?" Shownu led down on the towel turning his cap around so it faced backwards. 

"Im fineee still a little tired though" 

"Ah you'll be alright in a few days, hey can you swim by the way?" 

"yeah of course, I learnt in school, why?"

"No reason, what's that?" Shownu pointed at the object kihyun pulled out of his bag. 

"It's a camera I got for my birthday, it was from JB, yugeom and jackson. They knew I liked to take photos of the group so they brought it for me its pretty cool here I took some photos already this morning before we left" He showed shownu some of the shots of the sunrise and the ocean view from where they were staying. 

"Wow kyun these are good, you should come work for us" He laughed, causing kihyuns ears to turn pink. 

"What are you guys looking at" wonho appeared behind the, carrying a bag full of drinks and somewhat cold ice creams. 

"Ah just some photos I took" 

"Not just some photos, they are good wonho" Shownu nudged kihyun. To which he just laughed rolling his eyes. 

"I wanna see" Kihyun passed the camera over to wonho. But just as he placed it into the orders hands shownu quickly picked him up throwing him over his shoulder. 

"Shownu put me down! What are you doing?" Shownu began laughing running past the boys making sand castles and straight to the edge of the sea. Kihyun lightly punched his back at a weak attempt to try and make shownu drop him. 

"You said you can swim right" Shownu laughed walking slowly into the water. 

"This isn't what I had in mind" He laughed as he held onto the older. 

Shownu suddenly dropped the younger in the ocean, watching as his head appeared from out the water. 

-----Shownu POV----

I watched as kihyun shook his head, his hair flopping over his eyes and his t shirt ruffled up. 

I couldn't help but laugh watching as he swam close to me, he looked adorable. I could see he was trying to be annoyed but the smile was growing on his face, clearly indicating he wasn't that serious. 

I hadn't realised kihyun was now standing in front of me and before I could react I felt his small hands push me right back into the water. 

A cool blast fell over my body as I was drenched in salty water. 

As I swam up to the surface I could hear high pitched giggles, which I presumed was kihyun. As I opened my eyes my prediction was right as I saw the boy holding his sides laughing, occasionally showing his dimples. 

"Your on" I quickly started swimming over to him.  But before I reached him I noticed he had already fallen in. 

I looked to me right and noticed wonho had pushed him in laughing, in response I made my hands into fists and slapped the water causing an explosion of waves to hit up at wonho. 

As he turned to face me I looked behind him and noticed the other members had started to join us, a now group water fight to try and push each other in. 

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