Chapter 9

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—-Shownu's POV——

we all sat in the car, on our way to the hospital. I was running through all the information I needed to remember to tell Kihyun and Dr Chaeyoung. I really hope they allow this I think this will be beneficial to kyun and plus it will make all of us closer. We haven't had a break in months, so a two week holiday to bora bora with no worries and stress feels like a dream.

"Hyung you okay?" Hyungwon asked me, cutting my thoughts off.

"Yeah, sorry just trying to remember everything" I answered looking out the window.

"it'll be fine, hyunwoo. Don't worry, we have all the notes written down so you don't have to think about them." Jooheon called from the front seat.

I just nodded and looked out the window, although kihyun isn't a member in our group and I haven't know him very long I can't help but feel something for him. I care about him just as much as the others even though he's been part of my life for a short time.

I smiled thinking about the last time I had seen him: oversized jumper, joggers and his messy hair. He looked so cute..

No I couldn't say that about him, he has been through too much I wouldn't take advantage of him just be there.

—— Third POV ——

Kihyun was restless all day ever since he had heard the conversation. He was trying to think of excuses he could use that didn't seem rude or ungrateful.

Currently he was sat up in bed, on top of the covers, dressed in a cream jumper and shorts the nunugom bear tucked between his legs. Changkyun had dropped it off on their last visit and it hadn't left kihyun's side since.

"Kihyun! Visitors" Chaeyoung shouted she didn't bother coming in with the boys now as they came so recently she was certain the members knew exactly where to go and what to expect.

His mood changed and suddenly he felt even more panicked as they all came in through the door. The members noticed causing minhyuk to rush to his side.

"Kyun is everything  alright do you want me to grab the nurse?" He asked running his hand along the boys leg.

"No! Kihyun accidentally shouted, startling the members. "I mean no I am fine, honestly. Just not feeling too well today" This time he looked up at them all faking a smile in hopes to stop any more speculation.

"Okay, well anyway, we have a question to ask youuu" Wonho chimed, coming and sitting in his bed next to minhyuk. Which seemed to be a usual place for all the members, even if the chair was empty or there was spare chairs outside the room, they would all try and fit on the small bed frame.

"mhmm" Kihyun answered fumbling with his hands.

"We want to take you away from here for about two weeks, we're not gonna say where, in order to keep it a surprise but we think you'll love it"

"Will you accept and come with us?" Shownu cut off jooheon too excited and nervous to hear the younger s answer.

"I, um I don't know what to say. I can't accept this I can't afford it and it would be too much for you to-

"Kyunnn don't be silly this is a gift for you, it's all paid for you just have to come with us. We promise to take care of you" Minhyuk  clasped his hands together looking up at kihyun, blinking rapidly in order to persuade the boy.

Kihyun couldn't help but laugh as he watched how hard minhyuk was trying,  although his head was saying no he responded with a "yes".

Which resulted in multiple cheers and smiles from the other boys, however one member was fixed on looking at the brown haired boy.

Shownu just stood watching kihyun, mesmerised by the youngers smile. Noting how when his face lit up his eyes creased, dimples appeared just below his cheek bones and the boys lips pursed into a pout then showers his perfect white teeth.

He wished he could see that expression every day.

"Shownu?" Kihyun asked looking directly at the member, a small blush spreading up his face as he could feel the stare of the oldest.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare." Now he was the one with rosy cheeks and pink ears. "anyway I just um need to talk to the doctors about what medicine and your legal documents we need to take with us" He quickly left the room trying to find a nearby staff member as well as trying to calm down.

Meanwhile in the patients room, the members and kihyun were discussing what he should pack and where they were going.

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