Chapter 40

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"Jooheon ah it's been weeks now stop with this" Shonwu complained as the boy tried to feed him some rice.

"Hyung I just went to make sure you eat properly" Jooheon whined. "Feed me then, I want some it smells good" Minhyuk opened his mouth up wide waiting for the food.

"Of course it's good kihyun cooked it" Shownu smiled looking at his lover across the table.
"his food if the best"

"Aish stop" Kihyun blushed taking a spoonful of food.

The members went into quiet conversation, enjoying the company of each other before they work on their music. Shownu had fully recovered now, and the group had began to start going back to schedule, Kihyun helping with the photography.

"Kyun come, I have something I want to give to you" Shownu stated as he piled up the plates.

"Hyung if this is another one of your farting pranks don't even dare" Kihyun laughed getting up and following him out of the room.

"I promise it's good" Shownu chuckled opening up his door. Kihyun following in behind him.

"Here, I got this for you I was meant to give it to you a while back but we've been so busy recently" Shownu picked up a present, wrapped in blue paper handing it to the boy.

"Shownu ah, you didn't have to get me anything?" Kihyun sighed looking at the square gift in his hand.

"Please just open it" Shownu smiled ruffling the boys hair.

Slowly kihyun stood opening up the gift, peeling off the layers. It revealed a white picture frame, but he could only see the back, lifting it up he turned it around to reveal one of the first photos they took together in the dorm.

 It revealed a white picture frame, but he could only see the back, lifting it up he turned it around to reveal one of the first photos they took together in the dorm

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It was a black and white image, framed in a white frame with the date the two made it official.

"Shownu.. this is so simple but so perfect" He gasped "Thank you" Kihyun walked up to the taller male his arms reaching behind his neck.

Their lips brushing together in a short but sweet kiss, shownu's arms nesting on the boys lower back.

"You know I could give you a gift in return Hyunwoo" Kihyun whispered into the kiss.

Pulling away shownu hummed in acknowledgement. "You don't have to give me anything in response kyun" He looked down a blush spreading across his face.

"But I want to"


Kihyun's hands began to shake with nerves as he pulled out of the hug and led him over to the bed.
Looking at the sheets a million thoughts ran through his head, he hadn't done anything with a guy before.

"Kihyun? We don't have to do anything if you won't want to" Shownu engulfed the boy in a back hug his arms gripping the boys torso.

"No,,no it's not that I have just well you know, with a guy,,,.. never" Kihyun stuttered becoming a mess.

"Neither but i've done my research kyun, just in case" Shownu whispered in his ear planting a kiss under his ear.

Kihyun just let out a mewed whine, as he became putty in the older boys arms.

"Hmm what was that? Shownu began planting kisses all up and down the younger's neck. His arms moving to gently push him against the bed.

Kihyun was led on the bed, turning to lay on his back as his hyung was stripping himself to his boxers. Kihyun doing the same, throwing the discarded clothing across the room.

"Eager?" Shownu lifted a brow.
"Shut up" Kihyun laughed as he covered his chest.

The atmosphere between them started to change as their feelings were up in the air. The older began to move up the bed coming to sit on his knees his partner resting underneath him.

"Close your eyes kyun, relax" He whispered removing the boys folded hands.

Gently he began to leave a trail of kisses from his lips, past his neck and chest until he got to waist line of his boxers.


"Here sit up" Hyunwoo called as he walked back into the room with a damp towel and clean clothes for the younger, who was sprawled our on the bed still in bliss from what happened.

"Thanks" Kihyun blushed looking away from his gaze, he didn't feel like looking at him in the eyes with what had just happened.

"Did I do well?" Shownu chuckled as he put a fresh t shirt on.

"You make it sound like it was test" Kihyun whined as he wiped himself clean, pulling the blanket up to his chest. All he could smell was the boys scent, on the pillow the duvet and now on himself.

"If it was did I pass?" He winked.

"You kill me sometimes" Kihyun roller his eyes turning over. "How can you be some upbeat after what happened?" rolling his eyes and burying himself in the bed.

Shownu just laughed as he jumped into bed next to him, holding his body tightly to his chest.


"SAYS YOU JOOHEON YOU AND MINHYUK ARE ALWAYS ARE LOUD" Wonho comentes from behind another wall.

"AT LEAST I DONT MAKE HIM CALL ME DADDY" Minhyuk chimes back, earning and eruption of laughs from all the boys in the apartment.


"YOU CAN JOIN US, I DONT MIND" Minhyuk smirked.

"ID RATHER BLEACH MY EYES THEN JOIN YOU KINKY SHIT" Hyungwon started another round of laughs.

Once all the comments had finished, the two boys in bed turned to each other hands intertwined, legs tangled.

Foreheads presser together, lightly pressing kisses to one and others lips.

"I love you so much hyunwoo"

"I love you just as much" Shonwu planted another kiss to the boys cheek, nose and lips.


This is the end kinda sad this is the first book i ever wrote lol :(( and it was fun to write <3

anyway i'm currently starting a new book of monsta x and ateez in a mafia gang.

it's baso changkyun angst and trying to find where he fits in life, but it'll be good it'll have more smut in lol and also be written better !! so check it out


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