The interview

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Delilah stretched her limbs, yawning as she got out of her Princess bed.

She walked into Cheryl's room, getting in her bed.

"Mommy..." Delilah whispered. Cheryl groaned as she opened her eyes.

Once she saw that Delilah was okay, she closed her eyes again.

"What's wrong, baby?" Cheryl asked.

"It 7 and 3 and 2." She said looking at the alarm clock.

Cheryl jumped up. "Fuck! Okay. We have to get dressed!" Cheryl huffed, jumping out of bed.


Toni got up and did her morning routine. She walked down stared into her kitchen.

Fangs, jughead, and sweet pea were all in the kitchen.

"Morning Tiny. Ready for the interview?" Fangs asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Toni smiled. 

"Interview? Did you find someone?" Jughead asked.

"Yep. Cheryl Blossom." Toni said.

"Oh. Well, good luck." Jughead said, smiling as he left the room.

"Looking good, Toni." Sweetpea smiled at Toni's outfit.

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"Thanks, Pea

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"Thanks, Pea." Toni smiled, checking her watch.

"Shit! I'm gonna be late. I'll get breakfast after the interview. Later!" To said, leaving her house.

She got into her blue Rolls Royce.


Cheryl entered the building, carrying Delilah.

"Hi. I have an interview with Toni Topaz." Cheryl told the boy behind the desk.

"Yes. She told me to expect you. Take the elevator to the 5th floor. Her Co-secretary will let you know where to go next." He smiled.

"Thank you." Cheryl smiled. She took the elevator as the guy told her, she walked up to the other guy.

"I'm here for an interview," Cheryl said.

Fangs looked up. "Aye! You're here. Just go straight through that door." Fangs said, pointing.

"Thank you." Cheryl smiled.


"Cheryl Blossom is here." Fang's voice spoke over the phone.

"Okay. I'm ready." Toni smiled, fixing her jacket.

Cheryl walked in, placing Delilah on the floor.

"Good morning." Toni smiled at Delilah.

"Morning," Delilah said, sitting on the couch Toni had in her office.

"Good morning, Ms. Topaz." Cheryl smiled, sitting in front of her.

"Morning." Toni smiled, taking in Cheryl's appearance.

She's beautiful. Toni thought to herself.

"Thanks again for this. And for letting me bring Delilah." Cheryl smiled, looking at her daughter.

"It's not a problem. Now, we should get started." Toni said, taking out a portfolio for Cheryl.

After Toni asked questions about Cheryl's position, it was time to see if Cheryl go the job.

"Well, your hard-working, and confident. I'd like that for an assistant." Toni smiled.

Cheryl nodded. "Welcome aboard!" Toni smiled, shaking Cheryl's hands.

Her heart fluttered at how soft they were.

"My gush! Thank you so much, Ms. Topaz! You won't regret it!" Cheryl smiled.

"You're very welcome. And please, call me Toni. Ms. Topaz is too formal for me." Toni said.

"Okay." Cheryl nodded.

"Can we go eat now, mommy?" Delilah asked.

Cheryl turned to look at her. "Yes. We can." She said, standing up.

"I was going to get some breakfast. Maybe you two can tag along?" Toni asked, hoping Cheryl would accept.

Cheryl looked at Delilah, who smiled widely.

"Sure. I don't see why not." Cheryl said, grabbing Delilah's hand.

"Okay. Let me just get my jacket." Toni said, grabbing her jacket.

"Okay, ladies. Let's roll." Toni smiled, opening the door for them.


"Delilah, Don't spill syrup on your dress. You're wearing this when Betty picks you up." Cheryl said, placing a napkin in Delilah's shirt and lap.

"Okay, mommy," Delilah said.

Toni smiled at the mother, daughter duo.

"You guys seem close." Toni smiled.

Cheryl looked up at her with a nod. "Yep. She's my rock." Cheryl said, moving a piece of red hair from Delilah's face. 

Delilah smiled as she ate some of her pancakes.

"That's good. I never really knew my mom." Toni said with a small life.

"Oh. Sorry to hear that." Cheryl smiled sympathetically.

"It's okay," Toni said. Cheryl nodded, eating her food.

"Sorry about the paparazzi earlier," Toni said.

On the way to Toni's car, paparazzi bombarded Toni with questions. "Is that your daughter?" "is that your girlfriend?" and other personal stuff.

"Don't beat yourself up. Your very known, that's how it works." Cheryl nodded.

"Okay." Toni smiled.

The trio finished breakfast. Toni had to be back at the office, and Cheryl had to be home to put Delilah down for her afternoon nap.

"I'll see you starting Monday morning." Toni smiled.

"Okay." Cheryl nodded. "Say bye, Delilah," Cheryl said.

Delilah waves tiredly, leaning her head on Cheryl's shoulder.

Toni got into her car, watching as Cheryl walked down the street, into her apartment building.

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