Where's my dad?

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Cheryl dropped Delilah off at daycare.

"I'll be here to pick you up, okay?" Cheryl asked.

"Okay, mommy." Delilah nodded, waving as she went to go play with Riley.

Cheryl waved at Betty, then made her way to work.


She entered the building, going up to the 5th floor. Then she made Toni's coffee.

"Come in!" Toni said as Cheryl walked in.

"Good morning, Cheryl," Toni said, taking her coffee.

"Morning. Anything I need to do?" Cheryl asked.

"Yeah go on a date with me." Toni wanted to say. But instead, this came out. "No. Not right now, but I'd like to have a word with you." Toni smiled.

"Um. Sure, go ahead." Cheryl nodded, sitting down.

"It's your paycheck. You get paid every two weeks, on a Friday. 900 dollars every two weeks." Toni informed the redhead.

"That's a lot of money. I just started." Cheryl said.

Toni chuckled. "I know. But I pay all my employees the same amount." Toni said.

Cheryl nodded. "Well, that's fine by me. Is there anything else?" Cheryl asked.

"No. I'll ring you in if I need you." Toni smiled.

Cheryl nodded, getting up to walk out.

Toni smirked as she looks at Cheryl's ass. What? She was looking respectfully.


Cheryl sighed as the day came to another end.

She bumped into Toni at the elevator once again.

"As if it was fate." Toni joked as she entered the elevator.

Cheryl chuckled. "Maybe." She smiled making Toni's heartbeat faster.

She bumped into the elevator doors that hadn't even opened yet.

"Oh my God. Toni are you okay?" Cheryl stifled a laugh.

Toni nodded, rubbing her head. "I'll be fine." Toni sighed.

Cheryl nodded, walking out of the building.

"Picking up Delilah?" Toni asked as she caught up to the redhead.

"Mhm." Cheryl smiled.

"Oh. Well, see you tomorrow." Toni nodded.

Cheryl waved with a smile, walking back down the block.

Toni huffed mentally punching herself for acting so nervous.

She rubbed her head, feeling a knot building up.

"Shit! I'm gonna have the worst headache tomorrow." She huffed, getting into her car.


Delilah ran to her mother as Cheryl scooped her up.

"I got her!" She told Betty. Betty nodded, waving as they walked out.

"We're taking the bus again!" Cheryl smiled. But Delilah didn't smile, she just sighed.

Cheryl decided to just talk to her when she gets home.


"Wanna tell me why you're so upset?" Cheryl inquired.

"Where's my dad?" Delilah asked.

Cheryl frowned. "You have no dad," Cheryl said.

"Why? Riley's dad is uncle Archie. And all the other kids at daycare have dads." Delilah said.

Cheryl sat the girl on her lap.

"You have me as both. You see, When I was in college mommy did something to have you, that person is your other parent. But, mommy doesn't know who it is because she was extremely drunk." Cheryl explained.

Delilah nodded. "But, you have to know I love you way more than anybody in this world." Cheryl smiled.

Delilah giggled as Cheryl tickled her stomach. "I love you too, mommy," Delilah replied.

Cheryl smiled. "Come on! We're gonna order pizza and watch as many movies as you want." Cheryl said, placing Delilah on the floor.

Delilah nodded, running to go get changed.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, causing Cheryl to stop what she was doing.

Cheryl looked through the peephole. "Toni?" Cheryl whispered to herself.

She opened the door as Delilah entered the room.

"Hey, Toni. Uh, What's up?" Cheryl asked.

"You left your jacket at the building. Fangs were cleaning our floor and he saw this on your chair." Toni explained, handing her the red jacket.

"Well, Thank you." Cheryl smiled.

"Mommy I-" Delilah started, but didn't finish.

"Toni!" Delilah smiled, clinging onto Cheryl's leg.

"Hey, Delilah!" Toni waved. Delilah waved with a smile.

"Is Toni staying with us for pizza and movies?" Delilah asked, hope in her eyes.

Cheryl looked down at her daughter's puppy eyes. "If that's okay with Toni. I'm sure she ha-" Cheryl was cut off.

"I'd love too." Toni smiled. Cheryl sighed. "Well, then. Come in." Cheryl said, letting Toni in.

Toni smiled at the cozy small apartment.

"Nice apartment." Toni smiled. "Thank you. Can you uh, sit with her until I get back from ordering the pizza?" Cheryl asked.

"Sure thing." Toni nodded. "Come on, Delilah," Toni said, walking into the living room.

Cheryl went into her room to grab her phone

Cheryl: V, Betts we have an emergency!

Veronica: What?

Betty: What is it?

Cheryl: my boss is here! I left my jacket at the office she came to drop it off, then Delilah, god innocent Delilah had to ask if Toni could stay for pizza and movies.

Veronica: So... I don't see the emergency.

Cheryl: She feels and looks so familiar. I know I saw her somewhere, but I can't remember.

Betty: oh. Well, good luck, Cher.

Cheryl: Yeah. Thanks.

Cheryl quickly changed, then ordered the pizza.

She went back downstairs to find Toni tickling Delilah's stomach as she giggled in squirmed.

"I ordered the pizza. It should be here soon." Cheryl said, entering the room.

"Okay. I can wait." Toni smiled, turning back to Delilah.

Cheryl was trying to figure out where she saw Toni before.

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