Skyler's parents

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Skyler sat with her parents who looked nervous.

"Mommy? What's happening?" The small blonde asked.

The parents sighed. "We got a divorce." She said.

Skyler frowned. "What's That?" She asked.

"We aren't together anymore." Her father said.

"W-What? Why not?" She asked.

"We aren't happy together, and we didn't want you to see us unhappy." He signed.

"You will be staying with Toni and Cheryl. They'll take care of you until I get back from rehab." Her mother said.

"Wait. Why are you going away?" Skyler asked.

"I'm not doing well. I need help, and your father is going overseas for the army. This doesn't mean as don't love you, we do. We love you so much. We're doing this for you, we want you to be happy. So Mrs. And Mrs. Topaz agreed to take care of you while we're away. It's not for long." The mother explained.

"W-Will you visit?" Skyler asked.

"Yes. And we can video call anytime you like." She smiled.

"When do you guys leave?" She asked.

"Tomorrow night, But today we're gonna spend all the time we can together, okay?" Her father said.

"Okay." The girl nodded as her parents gave her a hug.

"We love you, Sky. Don't forget that." Her mother whispered into her hair.

"I love you too." The small girl mumbled.


"Make sure her room is cozy, please. We don't want her uncomfortable." Toni told her personal renovators.

"On it, Mrs. Topaz." One smiled.

"Thank you." Toni smiled.

Toni entered Delilah's room. She was talking on facetime.

"Hey, Lilah. Happy Skyler's staying with us?" Toni asked.

The girl looked up from her call. "I'll call you back." She told them.

She hung up, as she sat up. "Yeah. It's gonna be fun!" The girl cheered.

"Mhm. Where's mommy?" Toni asked.

"She's in Aiden and Caden's room." She said.

"Okay. I'll see you later." Toni smiled, exciting the girl's room.

Cheryl smiled as Caden and Aiden played with each other on the bed.

Toni entered the room, hugging Cheryl from behind.

"What are they doing?" Toni asked with a giggle.

"Playing." Cheryl smiled as the boys giggled.

"Delilah said she's excited about Skyler staying here." Toni smiled as she leaned her head on Cheryl's shoulder.

"I am too. It's like having another daughter." Cheryl said as Toni caressed her small baby bump.

"Mmm. And if we have a girl then we'll have 3." Toni giggled.

"Mama, Mama." Caden chanted, giggling.

"He loves chanting that." Cheryl smiled.

"Tell me about it." Toni said, pulling away to pick up her son.

"Hey, handsome." Toni smiled, caressing his hair.

The boys' hair was long enough to put into cute little buns.

"Someone needs a haircut." Cheryl said, sitting beside Aiden.

She sat the boy in her lap, fixing his shirt.

He laid his head on Cheryl's chest. "Someone's tired too." Toni said.

"I'll put him to sleep." Cheryl said.

Toni pecked Cheryl's lips. Caden pushed Cheryl away.

"Ah. No, he didn't." Cheryl said.

Toni smirked. "Yes, Yes. He did."

Cheryl rolled her eyes playfully. "Just get out so I can put him to sleep."

Toni walked put the room as she laughed.


"Remember. It's no for long, Sky." Mrs. Reynolds smiled.

"Okay. Mommy." The small girl nodded. She kissed her daughter's forehead, pulling her into a hug.

"Come on, Sky!" Delilah giggled.

The small blonde ran behind her redhead Best Friend.

"Thank you again, Guys. I don't know what I'd do without you two." She smiled.

"It's no problem. Skyler is amazing." Cheryl smiled.

"I have to get going. If I can call tonight, I will." She said.

"Whenever you can." Toni smiled. She nodded.

As she left out, Cheryl and Toni grabbed the girl's stuff.

As they made it upstairs, they peeked into Delilah's room.

"Hey, girls. Let's show Skyler her room." Cheryl said.

The two girls compiled, following the two adults.

"Woah! It's better than the one at home!" Skyler smiled

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"Woah! It's better than the one at home!" Skyler smiled.

"You like it?" Cheryl asked, placing her stuff on the bed.

"I love it!" The small girl giggled.

"Well, I'm glad. We'll be in the living room if you need us." Cheryl smiled.

"Okay, mommy." Delilah nodded.

The adults left out of the room. Delilah turned to her best friend.

"So, Wanna play just dance?" Delilah asked.

"Yeah, come on." Skyler was about to walk out but Delilah pulled her back.

"Where are you going? The PS4 is right there." She pointed.

"Wait! I have one too?" she asked.

"Well, Duh." The redhead giggled.

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