A Day Out Together.

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Toni texted Cheryl to ask if she and Delilah would like to go out on a little date.

Of course, Cheryl accepted. "So you and Mama are official?" Delilah asked, zipping up her Gucci sweater.

Cheryl nodded. "We are officially girlfriends," Cheryl said.

Delilah squealed "I did that! I need an Oscar." Delilah smiled proudly.

"Baby. I don't th-" Delilah cut her off.

"Let a girl dream why don't ya!?" She groaned living the room.

"Toni and I made a drama queen." Cheryl shook her head.

Toni entered the apartment. "Mama!" Delilah jumped off the couch.

"Hey, Princess." Toni kissed Delilah's cheek.

Cheryl walked out with a smile. She pecked Toni's lips.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hey," Toni said. "Okay. So I have the whole day planned out!" Toni said.

"Really. What are we gonna do?" Delilah asked.

"Well, We are gonna go to the movies, then golfing. Then lastly we're gonna go out to dinner." Toni told them.

"Sounds good to me." Cheryl nodded.

Toni smiled, looking at Delilah. "What about you girlie?" Toni asked.

Delilah nodded. "I love it." She smiled.

"Yay." Toni cheered. "Come on," Toni said, leaving out. Cheryl behind them, as she locked the door.


Toni paid for the tickets, then brought Delilah and Cheryl any of the snacks they wanted.

"So. We have an appointment for the golf course at around 4. It's 12 now so we have enough time for about 3 movies." Toni said.

Cheryl nodded. "Okay. The first movie is Frozen 2. The second movie is the lion king (2019). And the third is Dolittle." Toni divulged.

"Okay. Let's go! Mama." Delilah said, pulling Toni and Cheryl away.

"Slow down, babes. We aren't late." Toni said. Delilah nodded, calming her nerves.


After all 3 movies, Toni drove them to the golf course.

"Okay. So we are going against each other." Cheryl said as she put Toni and Delilah's name in the machine after doing hers.

"I'm gonna beat you both!" Delilah said confidently.

"In your dreams, Lilah!" Toni shot back.

Cheryl laughed at them. "Alright, Lilah. Your up first." Cheryl said, handing her the club.

"Watch this!" Delilah said competitively.

Delilah hit the golf ball cause it to go right in. "And boom! That's how you do it, mama!" Delilah smirked.

"She doesn't get that from me." Cheryl giggled.

"Oh. I know." Toni smirked, pecking her lips before getting up to hit the golf ball.


Toni drove them to a fancy restaurant for dinner. "I want mac and cheese with chicken tenders," Delilah said.

"I'll have the steak and mashed potatoes," Cheryl ordered.

"And I'll have the same as her. Thank you." Toni smiled.

The waiter smiled as she walked away.

Toni's phone went off.

'23-year-old, Toni Topaz seen with her daughter and baby mother, or should I say, girlfriend?'

Toni huffed. "What is it?" Cheryl asked.

"These articles," Toni said. Cheryl grabbed her hand. "Let them talk. Your happy as you'll ever be right now. Don't let them drag you down, baby." Cheryl said.

Toni nodded with a smile.

Soon their food came back and they started eating.


Toni parked the car in front of Cheryl's apartment. "Why is the door open?" Toni asked, looking at the apartment door.

"I think someone broke in," Cheryl said, concerned.

Toni got out of the car. "What are you doing?" Cheryl asked.

"I'm going in to see if anybody there. If not, we're getting Delilah and Your stuff. It's not safe anymore." Toni said.

Cheryl nodded. "Please be careful," Cheryl said.

Toni nodded. Toni walked into the house. Everything was all over the place.

"Looks like they were looking for something." Toni sighed.

She went into Delilah's room. All of Delilah's sneakers, and clothes were gone.

"What the fuck!" Toni groaned.

Everything was cleaned out. The only thing they left was Delilah's bookbag and bed.

Toni walked into Cheryl's room. Everything is gone. Toni grabbed the bookbag

"Fuck!" Toni sighed.

She went back outside into the car. "What?" Cheryl asked.

"Everything is gone! Like everything. Only Lilah's bag." Toni sighed, placing it next to the sleeping girl.

"Just get me out of here." Cheryl sighed. Toni frowned.

"I'm gonna find out who did this baby. They won't get away with this." Toni said, pulling out of the driveway of what Cheryl used to call home.

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