So what's up?

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2 weeks later

Cheryl sighed as she stood up from the toilet the tenth time that day.

"Seriously speaking, you've been sick for the past 4 days. I think you should go to the hospital." Toni said, hugging Cheryl.

Cheryl sighed. "Yeah. I'll go." Cheryl whispered, pulling away from Toni.

Toni smiled, pecking Cheryl's lips even if she just threw up.

"How can you do that?" Cheryl asked.

Toni shrugged with a smirk. Cheryl shook her head as she went to their shared closet.


Toni stayed back with Delilah because she was still sleeping.

"I told my fiancé that it was just a bug. But she insisted that I come." Cheryl told the doctor.

"Well, good thing you listen because it could be something worse." She said as she started taking some of Cheryl's blood.

"I'll go run some test. Then I'll get back to you." She smiled as she walked out.

Cheryl nodded. Once the doctor walked out, Cheryl's phone dinged.

Love of my life🥺❤️: Hey, baby. How's it going?

Cheryl: She just took some blood. So it's gonna take a few minutes.

Love of my life🥺❤️: Okay. I made lunch so when you get back you can eat.

Cheryl: Okay. Love you❤️

Love of my life🥺❤️: I love you more💍

After 15 minutes the doctor entered the room again.

"So. What's up?" Cheryl asked. She suddenly felt nervous by the look on the doctor's face.

"Well, we have some exciting news." She chuckled.

"What Is it?" Cheryl asked.

"Your pregnant." She said.

Cheryl's whole world stopped.


Cheryl walked into the house unfazed.

"Hey, baby." Toni smiled as she went to hug Cheryl.

"Hey," Cheryl said quietly.

Toni senses her mood. "Are you okay?" Toni asked.

"Yeah. I um. I have something to tell you." Cheryl sniffled.

"Come on," Toni said, pulling her into the living room.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Toni asked as they sat on the couch.

"Yeah. Everything is fine." Cheryl nodded with a sniffle.

"Then why are you crying?" Toni asked as she wiped Cheryl's tears.

"The doctor gave me some exciting yet shocking news," Cheryl said with a watery chuckle.

"What?" Toni asked. Cheryl took a deep breath, taking Toni's hand in hers.

"S-she told me that- that, I'm pregnant," Cheryl said.

Toni smiled, tears spilling her eyes. "Really? Stop joking with me, Cher." Toni said.

"I'm not kidding." Cheryl chuckled, wiping her tears.

Toni stood up, pulling Cheryl up with her.

"Yes! Oh my god!" Toni squealed, picking Cheryl up by her thighs.

Cheryl laughed as Toni ran around the large living room with Cheryl in her arms.

"Careful." Cheryl laughed. Toni spun them around.

She finally placed Cheryl on the ground, kissing her lips hard.

"Fuck! This is the best day of my life!" Toni squealed.

Cheryl smiled as Toni placed her hand on Cheryl's flat stomach.

"Damn. We made another kid." Toni smiled.

Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"Oh my god! We get to tell Delilah together!" Toni exclaimed.

"I know." Cheryl giggled at Toni's excitement.

"How are we gonna tell her?" Toni asked.

"We'll figure it out." Cheryl smiled.

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