She is my dad?

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Delilah Melanie Blossom was Toni's daughter. She was Toni's offspring.

But most of all Delilah is Toni's "Fucking daughter. Pea, She's my daughter." Toni soaks as she sat at the counter.

She had just left Cheryl's apartment to get the house ready for them.

"Damn topaz. You really do have a kid." Sweet pea smiled. "Congratulations." He pats her back.

"All these years. I've had a daughter." Toni sighed, cleaning the counter.

"You know, We do have Butlers." He pointed out.

"I'm stress cleaning!" Toni screamed, frustrated.

"Oi! Toni, it's gonna be okay! Delilah already loves you. Once you tell her she's gonna be so happy. And then boom you can spoil her all you want." Sweet pea said as he took the sponge from Toni.

Toni sighed. "Yeah. Your right. But it's not Delilah I'm really stressed about."

"Oh. I see." He nodded understandably. "Didn't the date go well?" He asked.

"Yeah. I know I enjoyed myself. Cheryl told me she did."

"So. Ask her on another one." He smiled.

"Yeah. But I don't want it to seem like I'm asking her because I know that Delilah is my daughter." Toni stressed.

"You're making this complicated on your damn self. Grow some damn balls, Topaz. You have a 5-year-old daughter and a baby mama your completely in love with. Take so fucking risk!" Sweetpea demands.

Toni is in utter shock. "I-I I'm not in love with her." Toni stutters her lie.

"Yeah right. Toni, you went to fucking Chucky cheese. You wouldn't even do that for a damn kid. You're in love with her, just accept it." Sweet pea.

Toni sighed, not even trying to deny it anymore.

"You got this, Topaz." He smiled, leaving the kitchen.

"Yeah. I got this."  Toni encouraged herself.


"Thanks for having us, Toni." Cheryl smiled.

"It's not a problem." Toni smiled, picking up Delilah.

"I'm gonna put your stuff in the guest wing. I'll be right back." Toni smiled, going down the hall to the room Delilah and Cheryl will be staying in.

Toni returned with a small smile. "Dinner is ready. So we can eat now." Toni said, leading them into the dining room.

"After this can, we go to the soccer room?" Delilah asked.

"Yeah. Of course." Toni smiled at her daughter. Wow, Toni can say that now.

Delilah smiled as Cheryl placed a piece of hair behind her ear.

After they ate Toni lead them to the living room.

"Toni and I have something we want to tell you," Cheryl said, placing Delilah in her lap.

"Okay." She smiled.

Cheryl looked at Toni to continue. "So. You know how I've been around a lot more lately." Toni started.

Delilah nodded. "And you know how I explained what happened in college," Cheryl explained.

Yeah. You said you didn't know who you made me with. I remember." Delilah nodded.

Cheryl smiled. "Mommy remembers now," Cheryl said.

"Really!? Who is it?" Delilah asked excitedly.

Cheryl pointed at Toni. "It's Toni. She's the one I had a baby with, that baby is you." Cheryl smiled.

"Well, we still have to get a test done, but it's Toni." Cheryl smiled.

"Toni's my dad?" She asked. Toni chuckled. "Yeah. Well, I'm basically your mama. Because I'm a girl." Toni said.

Delilah nodded with a smile. She jumped in Toni's lap, holding her close.

"So I can call you mama now?" Delilah asked.

"Yep." Cheryl smiled.

"m-ma. Yeah, I'm gonna stick with Toni for now." Delilah giggled.

"Fine by me." Toni smiled, tickling Delilah's side.

"Now can we go to play soccer?" She asked.

Toni nodded. "I wanna talk to your mom about something. Meet us there?" Toni asked.

Delilah nodded, making her way downstairs.

Toni turned to Cheryl with a sigh. "I wanted to ask you on another date?" Toni said it comes out more like a question.

"And no, before you ask. It's not because I know Delilah is mine, it's because I really like you. And I'd like to get to know you more." Toni rambled.

Cheryl chuckled. "I'd love to go on another date with you. Toni. And I know it's not because Of Delilah." Cheryl reassured.

Toni smiled with a nod. "Okay. Let's get back to our daughter." Toni said, leaving out of the room.

Cheryl shook her head with a smile as she followed Toni out.

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