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Delilah woke up to her best friend's foot in her face.

"How did you get down there?" She mumbled to herself.

She shrugged, getting out of the bed to use the restroom.

Once she returned she looked at her soccer ball alarm clock. It was 12 PM.

Delilah sat on her bed and turned on her Disney shows.

Jessie played on the flat-screen Tv on the wall. A/N: I just realized that Cameron's birthday is on the 28th🥺💔

After about 20 minutes into the episode, Skyler woke up and went into the bathroom.

Once she returned, She sat on the bed. Her blonde hair everywhere.

"Good afternoon," Delilah said, her eyes never leaving the Tv screen.

"Afternoon." The small blonde mumbled.

Toni entered the room. "Knock Knock. We made lunch." Toni told the girls.

"Okay." They nodded, getting out of bed.

Once they made it to the kitchen, Cheryl greeted the two girls.

"Good afternoon." Cheryl smiled.

"Afternoon." They both mumbled, sitting at the table.

"Where's Aiden?" Delilah asked as Toni gave her the sandwich.

"Grandma took him with her to her group. They did 'bring one grandkid to work day' and Aiden was the only one up." Cheryl explained.

"Oh Okay." The girl nodded.

"We're going to the mall today." Toni smiled as she bit into her sandwich.

"For?" Delilah asked.

"To start buying stuff for the baby." Toni smiled as she touched Cheryl's small baby bump.

"Oh yeah. Congratulations Mrs. T." Skyler smiled.

"Thanks, Skyler. How's everything at home?" She asked aware of what was going on with the girl's parents.

Mrs. Reynolds sent Skyler over there because she and her husband were divorcing. They weren't in love with each other anymore, they've fallen out of it. And they didn't have the heart to tell Skyler until everything was done.

"It's okay. They're still arguing more." Skyler said.

Toni frowned. She didn't grow up with parents, but fangs parents were always like a parental figure to her. And when they started arguing and divorced Toni was hurt, but she understood.

"I'm sure everything will be okay. Parents argue." Toni said.

"But you and Mrs. T doesn't," Skyler said.

"We do. But we talk it out until the situation is over. All couples fight." Cheryl said.

Skyler nodded as she continued to eat her sandwich.


"Okay. We need new bottles and bibs, but by them neutral." Cheryl said.

Delilah and Skyler were to busy looking at TikToks.

"Girls. We need your help." Toni giggled as she pushed Caden in the shopping cart.

Delilah put Cheryl's phone in her small purse then went to help them.

"What?" Delilah asked.

"Don't 'What?' Me." Toni said.

Delilah shrugged. "Touche." She giggled, helping Cheryl pick out some cute bibs.

"Oh, Mama, Look at this one!" Delilah said as she and Skyler pointed to it.

"It's nice. We're getting this." Toni said picking up the bib. It said "My two moms." It was cute.


"Wait no. Placed down a brick." Delilah told Skyler as she and her played Minecraft. They were building a girl cave.

Skyler placed down the brick, giggling as the pig got into her face.

"The pigs are so cute!" Delilah said.

Toni and Skyler's mom entered the room.

"Come on, Sky. We gotta go." Mrs. Reynolds said.

Skyler nodded, getting her bag.

"Hey, Delilah."Mrs. Reynolds waved."

"Hi." Delilah waved. She gave Skyler a hug and a waved as she walked out of her bedroom.

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