Toni's parents

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"It can't be," Toni said. Cheryl sat up, concerned.

"It is. Your mother, Stacie, and I have been looking all over for you." He said.

"Well, I'm famous. I'm sure it didn't take long." Toni huffed.

She didn't know how to feel.

"Toni, Baby. What's wrong?" Cheryl asked as she rubbed Toni's back.

"Is that your wife?" He asked.

"Yes. Yes, that is my wife. What do you want from me?" Toni asked.

"We just want to see you. We have proof that we're your parents, if you'd just let us meet you, we can sort this out." She heard a females voice.

"I- okay. I'll um. Send in my address." Toni said.

"Okay. See you in a few." The man said as he hung up.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Cheryl asked, leaning her head on Toni's back.

"T-that was my parents?" Toni said the sentence coming out as a question.

"Wait. Really?" Cheryl asked as she turned to straddle her wife.

Toni placed her hands on her hips. "Yeah. They want to meet me. I-i don't know how to feel." Toni sighed, looking up the eyes she falls in love with over and over again.

"Meet them. Give them our address." Cheryl said.

"Are you sure, I co-"

"No. We aren't avoiding them. If they are your real parents then this is a good thing." Cheryl said with a smile.

"Okay. I guess so, When is Betty dropping off Lilah and cad?" Toni asked.

"In 10 minutes actually," Cheryl said, getting up.

"Okay. I'll send them the address." Toni said, pulling Cheryl back down to peck her lips.

"Love you." She mumbled against the red head's lips.

"Love you more, bebé." Cheryl bit her lip as she smiled.

She walked out of the room.

Toni sighed, turning to look at her son who was sleeping peacefully.

She smiled softly as she texted her parents the address. A/N: Before you, all go crazy. Yes, you can trust Eric and Stacie. So no weapons.


"Thanks for hanging out with them Betty." Cheryl smiled as she took a sleeping Caden from her.

Archie carried Delilah in, letting Toni take her.

"it was no problem. I'd be happy to do it again." She smiled.

The couple left. Toni placed Delilah on her and Cheryl's bed and laid Caden down.

She sighed as she took the girl's sneakers off. The took Caden's small shoes off also.

The doorbell ranged causing Toni to walk out.

"Okay. I'm coming, I'm coming!" Cheryl said as she ran to the door.

Toni walked up behind her. She took a deep breath as Cheryl opened the door.

Toni's breath hitched. Her parents were standing right in from of her. She looked insanely like them.

"Mr, and Mrs, Topaz! Come in." Cheryl smiled.

The couple walked in. Cheryl took their jacket.

"Hello, Toni." Eric smiled.

Toni ran into his embrace. Cheryl smiled at the sight as her mother joined in.


"We didn't mean for us to split. When we moved out of the country, fangs parents promised to raise you as their own, so we knew that you were safe." Eric explained.

Cheryl sat on Toni's lap as Toni hugged her from behind.

Cheryl looked at the monitor that see and Cheryl placed in their bedroom. Delilah sat up, looking around.

Then the two boys woke up not too long after. "Looks like the little Topazes' is up." Cheryl giggled.

"I'll be right back." She kissed Toni's cheek as she got up to get their children.

Toni turned to look at her parents. "You excited to meet them?" Toni asked.

"Very," Eric said. Stacie nodded along.

I'm doing a chapter on them meeting Delilah, Caden, and Aiden.

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