Meeting Tiana

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Toni sighed as she pulled into the driveway of her parent's house.

She was super nervous. She was meeting her little sister.

"Mama, Skyler keeps kicking my seat!" Delilah huffed.

"Mrs. T! Delilah's being annoying!" Skyler huffed.

"Guys, calm down. We're getting out anyway." Cheryl said, taking off her seat belt.

"Mama!" Aiden said. Toni turned around to look at the boy.

He pointed at his untied shoe.

"Hold on, Baby. Mamas gonna fix it." Toni said, getting out of the car.

Once everyone was out of the car, She locked it.

"You ready?" Cheryl asked her nervous wife.

"As I'll ever be." Toni sighed.

Delilah rang the doorbell, holding Caden's hand as he reached for hers.

Eric and Stacie opened the door. "Toni! Hey, guys." He smiled.

"Hey, dad." Toni smiled.

They stepped aside so everyone could enter.

"My, She's getting so big." Stacie smiled at Cheryl's baby bump.

"Ugh, I know. Just 2 more months to go." Cheryl sighed, taking off her jacket.

"Mom, dad. This is Skyler, Delilah's best friend. She's like another daughter to us." Toni smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Skyler." They smiled.

"Tiana should be down in a few. Make yourself at home." Eric said, picking up Caden who was reaching for him.

"Hey, little fella. How ya doing?" He asked.

Caden nodded.

The group walked into the spacious living area.

Aiden sat on Toni's lap, not wanting to be involved with the "Strangers." as he thought they were.

Soon a short mocha tanned girl that looked exactly like Toni walked downstairs.

"Mom I-" Tiana stop, shocked when she saw Toni.

"Tiana! Meet Toni, Cheryl, Delilah, Skyler, Caden, and Aiden." Stacie introduced.

"I know who Toni and Cheryl are! Omg, I love your magazine!" The tan girl smiled.

Toni felt relieved that her small girl loved her already.

Toni stood up. "Tiana. This is your sister, Toni." Eric said.

"That's the Toni you told me about the other day?" The girl asked excitedly.

"Yep." Eric smiled.

Toni opened her arms for the girl to give her a hug.

The small girl embraced her older sister into a hug, sighing as they pulled away.

"It's nice to meet you, Tiana." Toni giggled.

"Ahh! I have to tell me-" But she stopped when she saw Delilah.

She ran and embraced her niece into a big hug.

"Omg! You're prettier in person!" She smiled as she pulled away.

"Thanks." Delilah giggled, fixing her clothes.

After greeting the rest of her family, Tiana went into her room to get dressed because she and Toni were gonna hangout.

"We're cool here." Cheryl smiled as she chatted with Stacie.

"Okay. I'll be back, love you." Toni said, pecking Cheryl's lips before leading Tiana out.


"Mom and Dad have been procrastinating to contact you. That's why it took so long to find you." Tiana said.

"Yeah. I thought the same because I mean, I'm well known. I could see why they'd stall though." Toni nodded as she parked in front of the ice cream shop.

The duo got out of the car, entering the frozen yogurt shop.


"Then, When you did that music video with Ariana I went crazy. I was 8 at the time, but I loved Ariana's music at the time. Still do." She explained as the walked out with their ice cream.

They started walking along the boardwalk.


"But then also at the same time, I was nervous to publish my first magazine." Toni giggled as she told the story of how she got her first magazine published.

"So. Enough about us, when did you meet Cheryl?" Tiana asked.

"Back in college. But we split then 3 years ago, we came in contact with each other at the park." Toni smiled, remembering that wonderful day.

"Aww, how cute." Tiana giggled.



"We're back!" Toni said as the sister duo entered the house.

"Mama!" Aiden said, running towards Toni.

Toni scooped him up in her arms, kissing all over his face.

"You girls and guys ready?" Toni asked, realizing it was getting late.

Cheryl smiled as Eric helped her stand up.

"Yeah, Get your stuff together girls. Then say later." Cheryl said

Skyler and Delilah nodded, going to bid their goodbyes.

"We might have a little something at our house next week. Come by." Cheryl told Stacie before pulling her into a side hug.

"Yeah. Okay, sounds cool." She smiled.

The group of 6 loaded back into the car, waving as they drove off.

'Toni Topaz has another daughter? The Ceo of Topaz magazine spotted with a tanned girl this afternoon at the Santa Monica boardwalk.'

"Aww great." Toni groaned, showing Cheryl her phone as she drove when the light turned green.

"Not again." Cheryl groaned, looking back at the sleeping children. Toni rolled her eyes.

"Looks like we addressing the claims again." Toni smirked.

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