3-D ultrasound

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"Behave for Betty," Cheryl said as she rubbed her 6-month pregnancy belly.

"She always does." Betty laugh.

"I know. Just to be on the safe side. We'll be back to get her right after the ultrasound." Cheryl told betty.

"It's fine. Take your time." Betty smiled.

Cheryl nodded as she waved, walking back to the car.


"Good afternoon." Dr. Molly smiled as she walked in.

"good afternoon," Cheryl said, pulling up her shirt.

Dr. Molly put the gel on her stomach, getting right into it.

Cheryl looked at the screen as it's shown the twins in 3-D.

"You see Baby B's little pinky." She said pointing to his hand.

"Oh my God, it's so tiny." Toni cooed.

"Okay. Let's make sure that it's boys. You never know, these doctors tend to get things mixed up." Dr. Molly said.

Toni and Cheryl nodded.

De. Molly went to look for the boy's parts.

"Okay. Baby A's is definitely a boy. See." She pointed.

"Damn he packing." Cheryl joked. Toni slapped her shoulder playfully.

"And Baby B's definitely a boy." She pointed.

"You see his little nose and mouth." She said, pointing to it.

"He has your nose, Toni." She said as she looked at Baby B's features.

"Really? I can't tell." Toni shrugged.

Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"They're sleeping." Dr. Molly cooed. She showed the boy's eyes closed.

Cheryl and Toni smiled.

"Everything is good. They are healthy and very will grow." Dr. Molly smiled.

"Thank you," Toni said.

"No problem. You know the drill, Two weeks from now." Dr. molly reminded.

"Yep. we remember." Toni smiled.

"Okay. You two are free to go. Tell Delilah I said hi." She smiled as she gathered the paperwork.

"We will," Cheryl said as she wiped the gel off of her huge belly.

Toni helped Cheryl up. "You wanna grab something to eat?"

"Yeah. Let's pick up Delilah first. That way we went have to go back twice." Cheryl said.

"Okay." Toni nodded.


"Hey, princess. Had fun?" Toni asked.

"Yeah." Delilah yawned.

"We gonna get something to eat. Whatcha want?" Cheryl asked.

"Taco's!" Delilah said excitedly.

"Okay. Let's go." Toni said as she made her way toward taco bell.

"What did you guys do?" Cheryl asked.

"Aunt Betty and uncle Archie played hide and seek," Delilah said.

"Oohhh. Did you win?" Toni asked.

"No. Riley was being a sore loser every time we found him, so technically nobody won," Delilah said.

"That's a huge word." Cheryl looked back shocked.

"Technically?" Delilah asked.

"Yep. And you said it right." Toni said.

"Maybe I'm just tired," Delilah said as she leaned her head against the window.

"Why do we have car seats in here if they are not even here yet?" Delilah asked.

"Because just in case they come we'll be ready to take them home," Cheryl explained.

"Oh," Delilah said as Toni pulled into the Taco Bell Drive-thru.


@/Cheryl_Blossom🔵: Giving his brother some love🥺🍼

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@/Cheryl_Blossom🔵: Giving his brother some love🥺🍼

Liked by Toni_Topaz1 and 6.5M others

❤️6.5M 💬1.2M

@/Toni_Topaz1🔵: I love them already🥺
@/Cheryl_Blossom🔵: They love you too.😍❤️

@/KylieJenner🔵: Awww🥺💙✨

@/ArianaGrande🔵: They look like Toni😮
@/Cheryl_Blossom🔵: I told her! She said she doesn't see it.
@/Toni_Topaz1🔵: I honestly don't 🤷🏽
@/Cheryl_Blossom🔵: 🙄

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