Toni's 25th birthday

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2 weeks later.

It's Toni's 25th birthday. At the moment Toni was asleep so The two beautiful redheads decided to make Toni's birthday breakfast.

"Okay. I hold the tray. And you hold the card." Cheryl said.

"Okay. Mommy." Delilah nodded.

The two entered the room, smiling as they saw Toni with Aiden and Caden asleep on her chest.

"On the count of 3," Cheryl whispered.

"1...2...3." Delilah counted.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, too you! Happy birthday dear Mama-Toni- Happy Birthday to you!" They sang.

Toni smiled with her eyes closed. "Thank you, girls," Toni said, her face raspy.

"Get up. We made you breakfast." Delilah smiled. "And we also got you a card." She added.

Toni sighed, sitting up as she gently laid Aiden and Caden on the bed to let them sleep longer.

"Aww. Thank you, beautiful girls." Toni smiled, pecking Delilah and Cheryl's forehead.

"It was all Delilah's idea." Cheryl smiled, sitting on the bed next to Delilah.

Toni started eating her breakfast as she shared with her girls.

Caden started to slowly wake up as he stirred in his sleep.

Once he finally opened his eyes, He smiled as he saw his mama.

"Good morning, handsome." Toni smiled.

He sat up, with a toothy smile.

Cheryl caressed his hair.

"We gotta get you guys ready. Grandma will be here to pick you guys up." Toni said.

"Aww. We don't get to stay?" Delilah asked.

"No. Mommy and I are going out." Toni smiled.

"Mommy can't drink. She's pregnant." Delilah said.

"There won't be any drinking, Lilah," Toni reassured.

"Oh then. I don't care, enjoy." Delilah said as she got up and left.

"Yep. She's gonna be upset all day isn't she?" Toni asked.

"Mhm." Cheryl sighed, smiling at Caden who as trying to take up his brother.

The small boy kissed his brother's cheek the gently hit the spot he kissed him at.

Aiden pushed him away, groaning. "They are gonna be so tired of each other when they get older." Toni giggled.

"They sure are." Cheryl chuckled, getting up to get them ready for Penelope.


"We'll pick them up around 11 tonight," Toni said as she gently gave the boys to Penelope.

"It's fine. I'll keep them as long as you need." She smiled as she kissed the boys cheek.

Delilah came downstairs. "I'm ready." She nodded, walking pass Toni and Cheryl.

"What is she mad about?" Penelope asked.

"We aren't letting her come with us tonight," Cheryl said.

"Oh. She'll be fine." Penelope giggled.

"Oh, we know." Toni nodded.

Penelope nodded, bidding her goodbyes as she left out of the door.

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