Drive to Disneyland

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"Come on, Lilah! We have a plane to catch." Cheryl said.

Toni sighed as she loaded the car. Delilah came running out with her Ipad.

"Come on," Toni said, picking her up to buckle her in the car seat.

"I'm so mad that they canceled all the flights." Cheryl huffed.

"It's fine, Cher. It's not a long drive from here." Toni chuckled

"I know," Cheryl said, getting into the car.

Once Toni made sure the doors and windows were locked. She told the security guards to only let in jug, fangs, sweet pea.

Toni got into the car, buckling her seat belt.

She started the car, looking into the rearview mirror.

"Hey, girlie. If you have to go to the bathroom or you get hungry tell me okay?" Toni asked.

"Okay, mama," Delilah said, keeping her eyes on her iPad.

Toni smiled, driving away.


Cheryl wanted to hold Toni's hand so bad, but she was still on the punishment.

Toni drove with one hand, while her other was on the console. It was just calling Cheryl's name.

It's only been 24 hours since she had put Toni on punishment.

"You okay?" Toni asked. "You seem to be deep in thought," Toni said.

"I-I I wanna hold your hand." Cheryl sighed.

"Then hold it." Toni chuckled.

"But what ab-" Cheryl started.

"You insisted that. Only you can break it." Toni shrugged, keeping her eyes on the road.

Cheryl nodded, intertwining their hands. She sighed of relief as if she needed Toni.

Which she did. She hadn't had any affection for 24 hours. She tends to get anxious when she doesn't get any affection from Toni after a while.

Toni smiled to herself as she drove along the highway.

Delilah was now asleep, so the car was comfortably silent.

Cheryl sighed as she leaned on the window, her hand never leaving Toni's.

"Tired?" Toni inquiries, turning onto the road.

"Mhm." Cheryl yawned.

Toni smiled at how cute Cheryl gets when she becomes tired.

"Go to sleep. We'll be there in about 2 hours." Toni said.

Cheryl nodded as she found herself drifting off.


By the time Toni pulled into the Disney Hotel parking lot, the sun was setting.

"Baby," Toni whispered, caressing Cheryl's knuckles.

"Mmm..?" Cheryl groaned as she opened her eyes.

"We're at the hotel," Toni said as she put the car in park.

Cheryl nodded, taking off her seat belt.

Toni gathered all of their stuff. Cheryl grabbed their bags.

"Ms. Blossom. Let me help." She heard a voice.

Cheryl turned around with a smile. "Thank you." Cheryl said.

Toni picked up a sleeping Delilah, also grabbing her Ipad she shut the door.

The guard helped them to their suite. "I'll be your personal guard and your guide during this trip." He smiled.

The boy was extremely young and very handsome.

"Thank you..." Toni trailed off, looking for his name.

"Oh, silly me. I'm Samuel." He smiled, shaking Cheryl's free hand.

"Well, Thank you, Samuel." Toni smiled as she walked into the room.

"Thank you, Samuel." Cheryl nodded as she also walked in, closing the door behind her.

"Thank God. My back hurts from standing so straight." He huffed, walking down the hall.

"Haha. Straight. That's a weird word." He chuckled.


"We can go to the park tomorrow, Lilah. It's late." Cheryl sighed as she sat on the couch watching TV.

"Mommy, What if I don't wanna go!" Delilah huffed.

Toni entered the room. "Baby. I can hear you from the other room. Why are you bothering your mother?" Toni asked, walking over to the girls.

"I wanna go out to the parks now." Delilah said.

"Mamas, the parks are closed." Toni chuckled, going into the kitchen.

"Great. You could've said that, mommy." Delilah said, going to Toni.

Cheryl rolled her eyes with a huff.

Toni chuckled. "That's your daughter." Toni said as she watched Delilah grab a juice that the hotel provided for them.

"Yeah, well, you created her. I just carried her for 9 months." Cheryl shrugged with a smirk.

Toni chuckled, leaning against the counter.

"Mama can you open this?" Delilah asked, taking out the avocado.

"Mamas. You don't eat avocados..." Toni raised her brow.

"Well, auntie Veronica said-"

"DON'T." Cheryl said.

"What? All I was gonna say was that auntie Veronica said that if you eat avocados you can turn into a monkey!" Delilah said.

Toni's face palmed herself. "This is why we tell Veronica to stay away from drugs." Toni shook her head.

Cheryl giggled, taking the avocado from Delilah.

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