S-She just called me mama

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The weekend rolled around, finally.

Delilah smiled as Cheryl helped her pack her clothes to say with Toni.

"You sure you don't want to stay over too?" Delilah asked.

"No. This is for you and Toni to have some mama and daughter time. But you know what I want you to do?" Cheryl asked as she put an extra pair of everything in her bag.

"What?" Delilah asked.

"Behave," Cheryl said. Delilah huffed.

"Okay." She nodded. "I'm sure Toni has some stuff for me at her house too," Delilah said.

"I know, but you could never be too safe," Cheryl said.

"I'm here!" They heard Toni's voice.

"Toni!" Delilah yelled as she ran and jumped into Toni's arms.

"Hey, Lilah. Ready for the best weekend of your life?!" Toni asked excitedly as she tickled Delilah's stomach.

"Yeah!" she giggled.

Cheryl carried Delilah's bag to the front door.

"You look after my baby, okay?" Cheryl asked with a smirk.

Toni rolled her eyes. "I got you." Toni nodded.

"Okay. Now get out of my house." Cheryl joked.

Toni picked up Delilah's bag. "Bye, mommy! See you on Sunday." Delilah waved.

"See you on Sunday." Cheryl smiled, waving as they got into the car.


Toni and Delilah giggled as they jumped on the trampoline.

"What room don't you have?" Delilah asked.

Toni shrugged. "I'm a child at heart." Toni giggled, laying down on the trampoline as she tried to catch her breath.

Delilah copied Toni's actions.

"You think my mommy misses me?" Delilah asked.

"Yeah. I know I would if I'd be away from you for way too long." Toni smiled.

Delilah nodded. "I kinda wanna watch a movie. You got that?" Delilah asked.

Toni chuckled. "Yep. Let's go to the theater." Toni said, getting up.

"You have a theater?" Delilah asked excitedly.

"I told you I have everything." Toni said as they walked out of the trampoline room.

They entered the theater. Delilah looked around in awe.

"You even have snacks!" Delilah cheered walking over to the snack bar.

"Yep. What movie?" Toni asked as she pointed to the stack of movies.

"Do you have Moana?" She asked sitting in a chair.

"Yep. Let's watch that." Toni said, playing the movie.


Toni turned to her side, realizing Delilah had fallen asleep. Toni smiled softly at her daughter.

She shut off the movie, picking up Delilah.

Thank God Toni had told her to change into her PJs earlier.

She took Delilah to her room. Toni had her personal home renovators to make Delilah's room.

She laid Delilah down, tucking her into the covers.

Delilah shifted a little, waking up. "I love you, mama." She whispered with a smile.

This shocked Toni. "I-I love you too, princess." Toni whispered, kissing Delilah's forehead softly.

She smiled as she drifted back to sleep.

Toni shut off the light, walking out of the room.

She instantly grabbed her phone, calling Cheryl.

"What's up?" Cheryl asked.

"S-She just called me mama!" Toni grinned.

"Really? Aww how cute." Cheryl chuckled.

"Then she said she loved me." Toni said her smile grew wider.

"See. I told you she'd come around sometime." Cheryl said with a smile.

Toni nodded. "How was your day?" she asked as she entered her bedroom.

I'm feeling nice today🥺

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