Delilah's first soccer game

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2 Weeks later

"Mommy. You promise you'll be there?" Delilah asked.

"Me, Toni, Aiden, Caden, and grandma. We'll be right there." Cheryl said as she packed Delilah's cleats.

"Okay." Delilah smiled, holding her sports bag.

"Come on, Lilah." Toni said as she grabbed her keys.

"Later, mommy." Delilah said walking away.

"Have a good day!" Cheryl called. "Okay." Delilah said, leaving out of the house.

Cheryl sighed. "Now to check on the boys."

She walked upstairs, entering the boy's nursery.

"Hey!" Cheryl cooed picking up Caden then Aiden.

"You two hungry?" Cheryl asked looking between the identical boys.

She carried the 6-month olds into the kitchen, placing them in their high chair.

"So it's bananas or strawberries?" Cheryl asked, holding them up.

Aiden tilted his head. Caden was to busy trying to unclip himself from the seat.

"Bananas it is..." Cheryl sighed. "I feel like that girl who was talking to her brother's dead body when I talk to these babies..." Cheryl mumbled under her breath.

She cut up the bananas, then placed them on a plate.

"Eat so we can get ready for the day." Cheryl said.

Aiden grabbed the banana to feed it to his brother who ate it.

"What am I gonna do with you two?" Cheryl asked with a sigh.

Toni walked back into the house. "Hey baby, We have mail." Toni said as she went to peck Cheryl's lips.

"Mmm. Any for me?" Cheryl asked as they pulled away.

"Yep." Toni handed her the envelope, going to greet her sons.

"Oh. It's just my credit card I reordered." Cheryl said.

"Oh okay." Toni smiled.

"They need to eat so I can bathe them." Cheryl groaned as she watched Toni distract them from eating by making the laugh.

"Okay. Okay, I'll stop." Toni sighed, going into the fridge to get her a fruit bowl.

"Thank you." Cheryl smiled.


"Just park right here." Cheryl said.

"I know. That's what I'm doing." Toni said. Cheryl rolled her eyes.

They were early for Delilah's game because they promised her they would be.

The group got out of the car, as Penelope held Aiden and Caden.

once they entered the school, the guard told them where to go.

"Lets seat here." Toni said. "More shaded." She added.

Cheryl sat down next to her as Penelope sat down with the boys.

Toni took Aiden and sat him on her lap because he was bothering his brother.

"We have the Charm Girls!" The announcer spoke.

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