Last day of school

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Delilah woke up excited. "It's finally the last day of school!" She giggled, jumping out of bed.

She went into her parent's room, smiling when she saw them up already.

"We were just about to wake you up." Toni chuckled at her daughter's giddiness.

"It's the last day of school, and Skyler is sleeping over!" Delilah said.

"We know, mamas." Toni giggled getting out of the bed.

"Go get ready while I go check on the boys," Toni said.

Delilah nodded, leaving the room. "Coming, Cher?" Toni asked.

"Mhm." Cheryl smiled, walking out of the room with her wife.


Once Delilah was dropped off at School. Toni went to the mall to get some more clothes for the boys.

Delilah had a half of day today so Mrs. Reynolds is dropping Delilah off with Skyler.

"Can I help you?" The store staff asked.

"Yes. I need boy clothes age 1." Toni smiled.

"Oh my God. Your Toni Topaz!" She smiled.

"That I am." Toni giggled.

"Um. Right, this way." She nodded, leading Toni to the clothes.

"This is their size for up to two years." She smiled.

"Thank you." Toni smiled. She nodded, walking away.

Toni shopped and brought some clothes and some cute pj's for them to sleep in.

"Soon I'm gonna be shopping for all this in girls," Toni said to herself. They didn't know the gender yet but She wants it to be a girl.

Once she paid for the stuff, Toni went to go buy some lunch.

"Toni! Toni Topaz!" Paparazzi came.

"Oh, how I missed you guys." Toni giggled.

"Is it true that Cheryl is pregnant again?" One asked.

"Well, Yes. She is." Toni smiled.

"Congratulations! Also, how have you been?" Another asked as cameras flashed around her.

"I've been healthy. Same as my family." Toni smiled.

"Look, guys. I can't talk much, I have to get back to my daughter, It's the last day of school." Toni said, getting into her car.

Once she was near the supermarket, she went to grab a couple of snacks and meats.


Toni pulled into the driveway of the house. She took all the bags out, going into the house.

"I'm home!" Toni yelled.

Cheryl came from out of the kitchen. "Hey, baby." Cheryl smiled, pecking Toni's lips.

"Hey. Think you can help me?" Toni asked with a chuckle.

"Oh. Yeah, I'm sorry my love." Cheryl giggled, taking the bags.

They emptied out the bags, then put all the groceries away.

Delilah and Skyler entered the house. "Later mom!" Skyler said as she closed the door behind her.

"Hey girls. How was the last day?" Toni asked as they took off their shoes.

"Fun! Ms. Jackson let us do anything we wanted." Delilah giggled.

"Well. That's good." Cheryl said. "Here, let me take this to Delilah's room. There are snacks in the kitchen." Cheryl said, taking Skyler's bag.

The two girls ran into the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go see if the boys are up." Toni smiled.

Once Toni entered the room. Aiden and Caden stood up in their cribs.

"Hey boys!" She smiled, picking them up.

Toni carried them downstairs with their sister.

"Hey, Aid and cad." Delilah giggled at them as they were reaching for her.

Toni placed them in their high chairs as Cheryl came back.

"Hey, my handsome boys!" Cheryl smiled as they gave her a toothy grin.


"So, Sky. How are your parents?" Delilah asked.

"They're still arguing. I talked to my mom, She said that it's just a phase and that things would die down soon." Skyler shrugged.

Delilah didn't like seeing her best friend so upset.

"Hey! My mom just brought me just dance for the PlayStation. Wanna play?" Delilah asked.

"Yea!" Skyler giggled as Delilah turned on the game.

Cheryl giggled as she walked past Delilah's room. "Whatcha girls up too?" She asked, setting the Landry basket on the bed as she grabbed all of Delilah's dirty clothes.

"Just dance. I'm winning." Skyler giggled.

"Okay, You two enjoy. if you need anything Toni is in the living room with the boys." Cheryl smiled as she exited the room to enter the Landry room.

"Okay, mommy." Delilah nodded, doing her dance.


"Okay, you two. Don't stay up too late." Toni said as she tucked the two girls in.

"And if any of you girls need us, we are right across the hall," Cheryl said.

Skyler nodded from her spot on the mattress that Toni put on the floor for her.

"Okay, mommy." Delilah yawned.

"Goodnight," Toni said as they cut off the light and closed the door behind them.

Skyler didn't like the dark. "Lilah." She whisp to her best friend who just hummed in response.

"Can I lay with you? I hate the dark." The small blonde whispered.

"Sure." Delilah smiled, pulling the covers up for her best friend.

Skyler got under the covers, cuddling into her best friend.

As they bid their ' Goodnights.' They slowly fell into a deep slumber.

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