Toni's hip pt2

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Toni slowly walked around the bedroom.

The doctor said that Toni should start walking to tighten her muscles in her hip.

Cheryl sighed as she watched Toni walk around.

"My love. How about you take a break?" Cheryl asked.

Toni sighed with a nod, going over to lay her head down in Cheryl's lap.

Cheryl caressed the back of Toni's head, the part where she gets it cut every two weeks.

Toni sighed, closing her eyes. It was very quiet being that Delilah was in school.

"I can't wait until my hip heals," Toni mumbled.

"I know." Cheryl chuckled.

"Wanna know why?" Toni asked.

"Sure. Why not." Cheryl shrugged.

"So I can get laid by blossom." Toni teased.

"Do you have to make everything so sexual?" Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"I mean, I've haven't had sex in almost 4 weeks. You think I won't make everything so sexual?" Toni chuckled.

Cheryl rolled her eyes, looking up at the TV as she leans against the headboard.


Cheryl drove Toni to the hospital because today she was getting her stitches removed that way she can walk better.

Once they entered the hospital the doctor came straight away.

"Okay. Lay on the bed." The doctor said. She throws Toni a gown.

Once Toni finished changing in the bathroom, she walked out and laid on the bed.

"Okay. This may hurt. So try to grab on something." She warmed. Toni nodded, reaching for Cheryl's hand.

Once it was in hers, she nodded at the doctor.

She started pulling the thread out, then she pulled out the stitches.

"There. All done, You're good to go now." She smiled.

"Thanks, doc." Cheryl smiled. She nodded her head, leaving the room.

Toni sighed as she got dressed again.



Delilah sighed as she entered her room.

It was finally spring break. She was excited to spend it with her parents because Toni was able to move normally now.

Toni smiled as she knocked on Delilah's opened bedroom door.

"Sup, girlie. Ready for spring break?" Toni asked as she flopped on the bed next to Delilah.

"Yep. I'm so excited. You guys still haven't told me where we are going." Delilah shrugged.

"It's a surprise," Toni smirked.

Delilah nodded. Toni smiled, kissing her forehead.

"I'll be in the study," Toni said as she walked out.

Delilah rolled her eyes. "HER AND THAT STUDY!" She said loud enough for Toni to hear.

"OH, SHUT UP," Toni yelled back.

Cheryl was too busy booking a hotel room at Disneyland.

Once she found a suite she booked it. she brought the tickets, which arrived yesterday.

She sighed, shutting her laptop.

She laid down as she starting watching TV. Nice and quiet-

"MOMMY!" Delilah yelled.

"Fuck!" Cheryl groaned under her breath.

"Yes!" Cheryl called back as Delilah entered the room.

"Mama is acting like a 4-year-old." Delilah groaned as she got into bed with Cheryl.

Toni then walked in. "No! She started it." Toni groaned.

Cheryl rolled her eyes. "Stop it! You guys are driving me insane with your constant taunting. If you can't get allow then you can't be around each other. So what is it?" Cheryl said.

Toni frowned the same as Delilah.

"But I don't want to be away from her." Delilah pouted.

"Yeah. What she said." Toni frowned.

"THEN STOP THE TAUNTING AND GET ALONG!" Cheryl said. She took a deep breath.

"There. Now the problem is solved." Cheryl sighed, laying back down.

"Come on, Mama. Mommy is being a buzz kill." Delilah said, jumping off the bed as she grabbed Toni's hand to lead her out.

As they left, Cheryl shook her head.

"I date a fucking 4-year-old," Cheryl mumbled.

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