b a n g h a n

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Requested by @jeonJungkookie_97_

Chan and Jisung were walking home from their date, when it suddenly started to rain. They didn't see the rain coming, so they didn't have an umbrella, but Jisung didn't mind. The younger loved the rain. He started giggling and ran off, leaving his boyfriend. The squirrel like male ran to a huge puddle, and jumped into it, soaking his shoes, but he didn't care. He continued jumping, not caring if he got wet.

Chan was watching the younger, he didn't like rain but if he was with Jisung, then he wouldn't mind. Chan was still watching until he remembered that Jisung gets sick easily, so he ran to him and got the youngers attention.

"Sungie, we need to go. You're going to get sick." Chan worriedly said, stopping his boyfriend from jumping.

"But Channie, it hardly rains in Korea. Please let me play, just for today." The rapper begged, giving his boyfriend his puppy eyes. Chan couldn't say no, so he let Jisung play and knew that he was going to regret this later.


Chan was right. He regretted it a lot. He was currently in bed with the younger, cuddling with him. The rapper was sleeping after he was forced to take his medication.

Jisung woke up this morning, coughing and sneezing. His temperature was high and he looked really pale. Chan explained to the other members what caused the illness, and they scolded him for being so stupid. Chan agreed with them. He was Jisungs boyfriend. He should be protecting him, not getting him sick.

Chan stroked the youngers puffy cheeks, smiling softly when the younger snuggled his head into his shoulder.

"Sungie...I'm really sorry for getting you sick." Chan whispered, not expecting  the younger to hear.

"It wasn't your fault Channie," Jisung whispered, surprising the older, "remember, I'm the one who begged you to let me play."

Chan smiled at the younger, "lets just say it was both of our faults."

Jisung agreed and started drawing circles on the Aussies stomach, knowing it helped the older sleep. He could also feel the olders abs underneath the thin shirt.

"I love you Sangie." Chan confessed, slowly drifting to sleep.

"I love you too." Jisung replied, slowly closing his eyes and letting sleep take over him.


I love rain! It helps me calm down a lot😆
What about you guys, what's your fav weather?

Thank you for readinggg!!

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