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The group reached their destination at noon. There luggage was carried away by the servants to there designated rooms.
As mermaids live underwater the rooms were also underwater.
As dragons, elves and sphinxes cannot stay underwater for long so Amaris was curious how and where would they be settled.
But was again surprised by how it was handled. They took seaweed well it looked like seaweed but it was an herb that could help the other person breath in deep waters.

It reminded her of a certain movie that she watched when she was in her own world.

( A/N: Yes the idea of this plant is from the said movie. Though I forgot the name of the movie. )

And in the castle the rooms were automated, one can use the function to remove water from the room or refill it.
Mermaids and sirens don't need to drink anything, though Donah and Amaris enjoying drinks is another matter.

They were guided towards to the throne room first.
The mer king and queen were known to be kind hearted and wise rulers.
After seeing them Amaris could see the true royal bearing.

In her acting career she had acted the roles of royalty like queen or princess, one of the main reason why she could give off the majestic aura.
But seeing the real ones she could see the gap between her and the reality.

After ruling the kingdom from afar Amaris wanted her parents to take back the roles. At least till she graduates from academy. But the reality was harsh (and her parents were lazy) they did not take it and just said that they may help her in a few cases but the rest is up to her.

This has tired her a lot as well as scared her, because being in power is not as glorious as people see, if you have to work honestly there are many things that you have to care for.
Every word you say can either bring peace or destroy the country. It would not have been much of a problem if you were commoner but as a queen or royalty your every action is considered the life or death of your nation.

After greeting the king and queen they were guided towards there room for rest. At night they would have official dinner. Because there arrival was not known before so the ball was hard to arrange so was the dinner but comparatively it was easier.
In the dinner all the 1st rank nobles would be present.

~~ end of chapter ~~

Sorry for the short chapter.
I was not planning to update today but since I was in great mood and had nothing else to do for now so I decided to do this.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter 😊

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