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Hwanwoong stares at the sky on the rooftop of a gardening shack as he listens to the songs that's being played from his phone. The afternoon wind caresses his cheeks lightly as he closes his eyes. He then looks at the dark purple flower that's carved on the palm of his hand, eyeing it.

A Chrysanthemum.

A flower that represents his soulmate. It has always been this colour for a long time. The only time it changed was when Hwanwoong was a child. And then as he grew up, the time the color changes had lessen.

To explain a bit more, the concept of soulmate in this world is a little weird. Everyone is born with a flower tattoo on their body, no matter what part of it. And unlucky for Hwanwoong, his tattoo is at the centre of his cheek which is blandly obvious. So, he always put a Band-Aid over it to cover up the tattoo. He sort of feels embarrass by it since his flower, Alstroemeria, is kind of girly looking.

One will also have another flower crave on the palm of their hand. Another flower that represents their soulmates. The color of the flower will change depending on their soulmate's mood or current emotion.

It's easy to find a person with the same flower on your hand since there will be some who shares the same type of flower with one another. However, the design of the tattoo needs to be 100% the same for the person to be your soulmate.

Almost everyone around him has found their soulmate, unlike him. He is pretty sad about it, but hey what can he do? Go on a soulmate hunt to find the one for him? He rather just sit out and wait. Let life plays it out for him.

His attention was disturbed when he felt his phone vibrate. He checks the message that was given by his friend, telling him that their next class was about to start, and also wondering where he is. He checks the time, seeing that lunchtime was about to be over. He rolls his earphones, putting it in his jacket's pocket before jumping off the roof.

While seeing the other students around the area also going back inside the University building, something caught his eye. At one of the benches at the park, someone seems to still be sleeping. He should just ignore the person since it wasn't his business nor problem if the person missed out on his class.

But, being a goody two-shoes he is, he walks towards the person. He couldn't see the face since the male's back was facing Hwanwoong, but he can tell that it's a male. He steps closer, by now was already near the male. Hwanwoong peeks over the man's shoulder, trying to see the face but still couldn't since the male had cover his face with a black mask.

Is that even comfortable?

Hwanwoong reaches over as he shakes the male's shoulder lightly, though there were no reaction. He tries again, but this time a little bit more force.

"Um, excuse me?", he says softly but still make sure it was loud enough for the male to hear. Though there wasn't much progression other than the male stirring slightly, but that was all.

"Hey, class is about to start. You shouldn't skip on them," he continues to shake the male's shoulder. The male grunts, before opening his eyes slowly. Hwanwoong doesn't know why but when the male shifts his eyes to meet his, he felt shivers run down his spine. The man was glaring, or is it just his imagination. It could just be because he just woke up.

He snaps out of his thoughts when the male sits up, scratching his head, back still towards Hwanwoong. The male's loose shirt shifts down his shoulder as he sits up, revealing the top part of his shoulder blade slightly. Hwanwoong looks away as he blushes lightly. Feeling like he shouldn't have seen the man's flawless skin.

Though, something did catch his eye, but he didn't want to look back since it feels wrong. Nonetheless, he need to check if what he saw is true. He turns his head slightly, just enough so that he can take a glimpse of the man's back. And that is where he saw it.

A chrysanthemum tattoo that laid at the back of his shoulder, slightly near his neck. His eyes widen slightly as he sees the flower. He checks his hand, trying to see if the shape is the same. Though before he could make a comparison, the male suddenly turns his head, startling Hwanwoong.

"You woke me up?", he asks, voice slightly groggy from just woken up. Hwanwoong clenches his hands together as he nods his head in slight fear.

"S-sorry. But it was almost time for class and y- you were still sleeping so I-" Hwanwoong shuts his mouth when the male raises an eyebrow. The gesture was like as if he was threatening Hwanwoong, mad that the shorter woke him up.

"I- I'm sorry! I should've mind my own business," he looks down, not wanting to make contact with those glaring eyes. He bit the inside of his cheek, slightly scared. He sees the male grabs his jacket from the bench before standing up. Hwanwoong doesn't dare to move nor lifts his eyes when the man began to approach him. Their height being different also makes Hwanwoong panic on the inside.

"Thanks...I guess...for waking me up", the male simply said before walking pass Hwanwoong. The short boy looks at the dusty green haired male as he walks away, a jacket in hand while the other held onto his backpack over his shoulder. He was surprise by the male's words. And here Hwanwoong thought he would be mad, gets angry and complain about how he just disturbed his sleep.

His thoughts were interrupted when his phone rang. He answers it, immediately freaking out when his friend was shouting, asking where the heck he is and that the lecturer was already in the classroom. Hwanwoong runs towards the building, though not before scanning the area, trying to see the male who was no longer there.


//Their hair color in the story is not the same in the pics.\\

//I use the colors in the 'A song written easily' era hair uwu\\

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Yeo Hwanwoong [2nd Year/21]

Flower : Alstroemeria (On his cheek)

Soulmate : Chrysanthemum

- A constant panic mess; faints whenever he gets too overwhelmed

- A soft boi, follows the rules and naive

//asdfghjkl aite idk that i would want to write this story because it was from a drabble. And suddenly i lowkey kind like it and also very uwu hwanwoong is needed in all of our lives pfft

There will be side stories since this kind of revolves around Oneus, and maybe other group cameo, who knows XD

The flowers for each members is based on the 'A Song Written Easily' MV

and excuse my photoshop-ing skills pffft

Enjoy :DD

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