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"Welcome", the lady behind the counter greeted the two boys who entered the pet clinic. Seoho looks around before spotting his friend at one of the seats in the waiting area. He tugs Keonhee's arm, motioning the younger to follow him.

"How is it, Harin?", the said male lifts his eyes from his phone.

"It is a she, Seoho." Harin said to himin a teasing way, to which the older only rolled his eyes to. Harin handed him a piece a paper, which turned out to be the bill.

"She's in there, getting treated. And this," he waves the paper in front of the older, "is the bill. Don't tell me you expect me to pay." Seoho scoffs as he snatches the paper from Harin's hand, but later the paper was taken from his hand. Seoho turned around, seeing that it was Keonhee who took the bill.

"'I'll pay for it. I was the one asking for help." The younger says. Though, Seoho doesn't agree to it. He reaches for the younger's hand, taking the bill out of it.

"No, I'll pay." The older says.

"Eh? No no, I'll pay for it! I'm the one who wanted to take it to the vet in the first place", Keonhee grabs the older's hand that is holding the paper.

"Nonsense Keonhee, I'll pay for it! I was the one who asked Harin to take it here", Seoho gently pushes the younger's hand off his.

"But bu-"

"Ok, both of you need to stop. Just split the bill. That's the end of it." The two male turn to Harin as he spoke. "Now I'm leaving, bye." The male showed a piece sign before leaving the clinic. The two turns to each other, about to say something but was cut off by the nurse behind the counter, calling a name.

Well, more like a combination of their name.

"Lee SeoHee?", she called. Both Seoho and Keonhee turn to the nurse upon hearing the name. Both male's cheeks are a light shade of red, Keonhee looking away while Seoho clears his throat, before retracting his hand from Keonhee's.

"Yes that's me." The red haired raise his hand slightly, the nurse answering with a nod. Seoho knew the one who's behind the name is his friend. Damn you Harin.

"Here", Seoho turns to Keonhee, seeing the male handing some money.

"We're splitting, like Harin said." Is what he say, but Seoho yet again, didn't want to accept it. But he knows if he rejects, the younger wouldn't give up. He thought for a while, before coming up with an idea.

"How about this." The older takes the money from Keonhee's hand, but then immediately placing it back, causing the younger to be confuse.

"Use this to buy rabbit food. That's your payment." Seoho says, before heading to the counter, leaving Keonhee confuse for a moment. He doesn't agree with the suggestion, wanting to pay at least half of the treatment bill, but he was already too late since Seoho already paid. Keonhee could only sighs, as he had no other choice but to give up.

Keonhee did as he was told, using his money to buy food for their furry friend. Seoho tagged along of course. He was pretty useful, especially when Keonhee wanted to go to the supermarket, but since they didn't allow animals inside, Seoho offered himself to go instead since Keonhee didn't want to be separated from the bunny.

They had random conversation along the way back to their dorms, mostly being about the bunny, like what Keonhee is going to name it, how he's going to take care of it since their University doesn't allow pets. But they decided to figure out that issue later.

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