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"There was a moment where I felt like my petals would fall out and I'll end up losing myself, but then you came along and pick up the pieces of me."


"Thanks for taking me out hyung", Xion smiles at Leedo as they walk side by side at the street. It was night time by this point but there are still people walking around. Leedo respond back smiling, grabbing the younger's hand into his before intertwining their fingers tightly.

"Don't mention it Dongju. You know I love spending time with you", he says, not expecting that it would make the younger blush since he was just speaking the truth about what he actually feels. Xion pouts, pushing Leedo's arm slightly causing him to chuckle.

As they both decide there is still a little bit of time, Leedo suggests that they take a short night walk at the park that was lighten up by dim streets lights. Knowing how Leedo has always been a cliche romantic person, he just agrees and a walk seems nice once in a while.

They walk close to one another, just in silence. Enjoying each other's presence beside one another. Though, Leedo could tell that something was bothering the boy beside him since he looks lost in thought whenever the older would steal glances at him. He tugs their intertwined hand lightly, catching Xion's attention.

"Something on your mind?", he asks. The younger didn't respond. Well, at least not by words. He pulls Leedo with him towards a nearby bench he sees, sitting side by side on it. Leedo could tell that something was definitely bugging his soulmate, but he knows he shouldn't force Xion. Especially when he can see that the younger wants to say something but nothing ever comes out.

The older caresses the back of the younger's hand, smiling warmly as a way to say that he doesn't need to tell Leedo if he doesn't want to. However, Xion shakes his head. He decides that he shouldn't run anymore. He should tell the older. They are together and they should share what's on their mind. Plus, Xion knows how much Leedo cares for him and has always been so patience. It's not fair for him.

"I got a call from my parents after class", he began to spoke, Leedo nodding as to show that he is listening. The younger took a breath before finally telling the older what was on his mind.

The older never left his gaze from Xion as he spoke and tells his story, his problem with his family. Well, mostly relating to his parents. He has a twin brother, which Leedo knows about, and also how his parents is from a high status bloodline. Meaning they were working as either doctors, lawyers, businessman, you name it. So, automatically, they want their children to have the same skill and always be on top.

Being the youngest twin, one would assume that he has it the best since the oldest should be the successful one and the one the parents will put hope on. But, unfortunately for Xion, it was the other way around. It might be because his brother, Dongmyeong, had already chosen a path that their parents were, and is still, not happy about. Xion wouldn't call his brother a traitor. Not even when Dongmyeong flew overseas to fulfill his dream of joining a band, cutting all ties with their parents. He didn't feel betrayed because he knows his brother is just doing what he loves. He still stays in contact with his brother, of course he didn't tell his parents about it since he knows how they will go ballistic if they knew. His brother chose music, to which Xion wanted to follow along, but couldn't.

Guessing luck just wasn't with him. All responsibility of carrying the family name rests on his shoulder since that day. Xion couldn't fight back, shouldn't fight back. He should be the good child who shuts up and do what his parents wants him to do. Get good grades, aim for the highest university to continue his degree, get a job as a doctor or a lawyer or a scientist. Any of those.

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