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Barely making it in time, Keonhee was the last person to enter the classroom before the door shuts completely. He apologize to the lecturer before making his way towards Hwanwoong near the back of the class. Seeing the older, Hwanwoong raised his eyebrows, wondering where and what Keonhee did. The other cheekily smiles as he takes a seat beside Hwanwoong. He wanted to make Keonhee spill, but he stopped himself when the Sir in front began to speak, not wanting to seem rude. He decides he can just ask after class.

Which didn't feel like it went on for too long apparently. Students began to pack so that they can move to their next class. Some began to separate as they had different subjects than the other, that including Hwanwoong and Keonhee. Unfortunately for him, he didn't have anyone he knows in his next class, which is art.

Why did he even choose this extra subject? He was technically desperate during the first semester since their University wanted each student to take one extra subject. Why? Because that's just how their rules are applied. Nothing students can do to argue about it.

Though he didn't have any friends for the next class , Keonhee was kind enough to send Hwanwoong to the art room. The older didn't mind it because he knows how socially awkward Hwanwoong is. As they were getting close to the art room, something caught Keonhee's attention.

"Oh hey, I didn't know Ravn is in your class?"

The words of the older caught Hwanwoong's attention as he immediately turns his head towards the way Keonhee is pointing. His eyes widen, nervousness already starting to compile in him. However to Keonhee, this seems like an opportunity for him to get to know Ravn. So he turns to Hwanwoong with a grin, the younger getting what he's hinting at, immediately shaking his head. As a respond, Keonhee only sighs as he rolls his eyes, walking towards the greenish haired male, ignoring Hwanwoong's begging eyes. He taps the older's arm, causing the male to turn to Keonhee.

"Hey~ You're Ravn right? I'm Keonhee, a...friend of Seoho." He smiles, while the other shows no reaction, or is what is assumed since he is wearing a mask.

"So...I need to ask for your help right now", Ravn tilts his head at Keonhee's words. The younger pulls the panicking short boy by the arm to stand beside him.

"Can you sit beside Hwanwoong throughout class?", he asks. Ravn looks at the said male, his face could be seen that it has slightly changed.

"Oh hey. Didn't know we're in the same class?" Ravn says, as he turns to Hwanwoong. The shorter only awkwardly laughs, shrugging since even he just found out about it too. Hwanwoong grabbed Keonhee's arm as he turns the male around with him when he sees the art lecturer talking to Ravn.

"DUDE. WHY WOULD YOU ASK HIM TO SIT WITH ME?!??", Hwanwoong whisper shouts at Keonhee. The other was confuse by Hwanwoong's statement, because to Keonhee, it was obvious what he was planning.

"Uh, to help you get closer to Ravn? Isn't it obvious?" He says while perking his eyebrow. Hwanwoong sighs, glancing over his shoulder to see Ravn still occupied by the lecturer. He turns back to Keonhee, who nods with a smile.

"I-", Hwanwoong's sentence was cut off when the bell rings out through the whole University, indicating the start of their next class. Hearing so, the art lecturer motions her students to enter the room.

"Well, that's the signal. I'll leave him to you Ravn hyung", Keonhee smiles at Ravn, who responded by an unsure nod, before turning to Hwanwoong, patting his shoulder.

"See you after class Hwannie", he smiles teasingly before leaving the boy. Hwanwoong eyes the older as he left him, sighing as he could feel the pressure on him. He got startled when he felt a presence behind him, turning around slightly to see it was Ravn.

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