chapter twenty-two

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STEVE WAS THE FIRST TO walk into the living room. He held an annoyed look on his face as he held the fake insects. He walked behind the couch and dropped them on Clint's head. The archer laughed, using the hand that didn't hold any cards to get them off of him. He didn't suspect Robin yet, which made both pranksters hide a smirk at how oblivious he was.

"Do people actually find that funny?" Steve asked, staring right at Clint and sat down with them. They sat around the coffee table, with Clint on the couch, Robin on the floor across from him and Steve now on the chair that resided against the wall.

"People with a sense of humour do," Clint replied with a smirk.

Steve just sighed and gestured to the cards. "Deal me in."

The three kept playing Uno, and Clint has almost won when Natasha bursted into the room. As usual, she went to the training room in the morning, only for glitter to blow up in her face when she shot her gun. Knowing her best friend to be one to do these pranks, she marched right over to where he would be. She punched his shoulder as she sat down beside him, waiting for the round to be over so she could join in. She was obviously going to get Clint back later, but for now, she might as well keep it together for the other two in the room, oblivious to the fact that Robin had helped out.

It seemed as if the process kept repeating itself, because more people came in, outraged at Clint for the pranks. After Natasha, it was Sam, who had decided not to retaliate. But he did make Clint promise him to get rid of the water if he spilt it, then sat down beside Robin. Then it was Thor, who smelled like soup, and didn't have a happy look on his face. As payback, he decided to 'accidentally' step on the archer's foot as he walked by to sit on the other chair beside Steve's. Wanda came next, holding a ballon and a needle. She purposely walked around the table, paused beside Clint, and popped the ballon by his ear, before sitting down on the floor beside her new friend.

Bruce came in looking traumatized, confusing almost everyone who was playing Uno. "What happened to you?" Sam questioned as the man sat down beside Natasha.

"Someone," He glared at Clint. "Mixed Skittles and M&M's," Bruce explained. Gasps filled the room, including the two culprits who tried to act innocent.

Vision came in, not having noticed the marker on his face. Unable to help himself, Clint chuckled, and Thor quickly joined in, having played those kinds of pranks with Loki as kids. Wanda pat the spot beside her, which he came and sat down, joining their game. Wanda did her best to get rid of the marker, missing the look Robin threw her.

Pietro, just now leaving his room, walked right into the invisible wall that had been made. He stumbled, tripping over his feet as he tried to get the tape off of himself as he made his way to the living room, cursing under his breath at how hard it was for him.

Robin was first to spot him. He snorted. "Looks like we know how to take you down," He teased, high-fiving Clint from across the table without even looking away from the other boy. Pietro scowled, not liking his amused expression, but grudgingly sat down around the table as well. They returned to their game, all waiting for Tony to walk in.

After twenty minutes, he did, and he did not look pleased. He threw up his hands as soon as he walked up to the group, letting out a loud sigh.

Glancing up, Steve put his cards down on his lap. "Did you want me to ask what's wrong?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.

Tony gave him a look. "No shit, Sherlock!"

Letting out a sigh of his own, Steve asked the question. "What's wrong?"

Tony leaned against the super soldier, exhaling dramatically. Steve just pushed him onto the floor, unimpressed, but more importantly, not wanting his cards to fall all over the floor. Tony pouted, but started his story. "I went to the kitchen, you know, to make myself an oreo milkshake."

"For breakfast?" Robin interrupted. He may not be the type to have breakfast, but he also liked to be healthy. It would be embarrassing if he ended up dying from bad eating habits, only for Apollo and Hermes to make fun of him for all of eternity. He could already see them laughing up on Mount Olympus.

"Yes, now shut up and let me finish," Tony said with a glare.

"That's what she said," The demigod mumbled, earning a laugh from Sam, who heard him, but noticing the stares, he covered it up with a cough.

"Anyway, so I went to open the fridge, and my hand got stuck, right?"

He was already loosing his crowd, who were all mostly focused on their game. It was evident when Robin threw down his second last card. "Uno!" The others tried to get him to loose, changing the colour from green to red, but little did they know he had a +4 card he'd been saving up. Once it was his turn again, he slammed the card on top of the pile, a triumphant grin on his face.

Clint threw his cards on the table, glaring in the boy's direction and flipping him off. "Fuck you!" Robin just stuck his tongue out at the archers.

"Guys!" Tony exclaimed, regaining everyone's attention. "Can I finish? Thank you." He clapped his hands together, not waiting for their response. "So my hand was stuck on the handle, and I realize that someone put tape around it! But that's not all. I took out the oreos, and I ate one before making my milkshake-"

"Next you're going to say you made a sandwich of gummy bears and fruit roll ups," Robin joked.

Ignoring him, Tony continued. "Anyway, so the oreos were all filled with toothpaste!"

"How do you know?" Natasha asked skeptically.

"Yes, how do you know all of them were filled with toothpaste?" Thor questioned, tilting his head to the side.

The billionaire stayed silent for a moment. Robin facepalmed. "He ate all of them."

"Don't shame me!" Tony whined. "I know who it was. Instead of telling you, I'll show you the security cams."

"We all know who it is," Vision spoke up.


"It was Clint."

"Definitely Clint," Everyone said at the same time, besides Tony, Clint and Robin.

"FRIDAY, play the security footage from last night," Tony said, ignoring his teammates.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Knockoff Bruce Wayne," The AI replied.

Tony looked absolutely appalled. "I swear to God-" He took out his phone, typing away trying to change everything back. He probably thought he would be successful because he's a genius. Well he was absolutely correct.

"Okay, now, let's try this again. FRIDAY, roll the tapes."

The footage played of Clint and Robin setting up the pranks in the kitchen. While they watched, the pair quietly stood up, trying to slip away. Unfortunately, Tony stopped the clip, and everyone turned to face the two, glares on their faces.

Clint and Robin exchanged a glance, ready to run. Natasha spoke up. "Get them."

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