chapter thirty-eight

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THE DEMIGOD HAD NO IDEA how he got to the compound. After the explosion, everything was a blur. He didn't even know why he decided to go to the compound instead of his apartment. He walked in to find everyone arguing. He felt like it should be a regular thing, in canon. Then he remembered that most of the time he had been present, they were arguing with him, or vice versa. Maybe they argued with each other when he wasn't around. Good way to pass the time, isn't it?

Robin looked beaten up. Everything about his appearance was a mess. He looked almost charred. He was leaning against the wall beside him, clutching his side. He had gotten hurt really bad. He wasn't dead, but that didn't make him okay.

"Robin might be dead right now!" Wanda had exclaimed.

"Not dead," He spoke with a pained voice. Everything hurt. His words brought an abrupt silence to the group. It was almost uncomfortable, the amount of eyes on him, but he couldn't find the strength to care right now.

When no one did anything for a minute, he pushed himself upright. "You guys do have a shower still, right?" He asked rhetorically as he pushed past the group, slightly limping. He would be fine soon, he was sure of it. He just needed some rest.

He wouldn't be staying long, of course. He just needed somewhere to go where questions won't be asked. If he were to walk into his apartment building, some of the homophobes he passed sometimes on the way up would think he got beat up for being gay, then proceed to shout slurs at him, and beat him up too. Wouldn't be the first time. He obviously didn't want that. People like that made him wonder if the world was really worth saving.

And sure, maybe the Avengers would ask questions and try to arrest him. Right now it was a risk he was willing to take. At least they wouldn't physically hurt him.

He washed off the smokey smell, wincing every time the soap would touch his cuts or wounds. He sighed in relief after his shower. His clothes were somehow still mostly intact. That was good, because he was not willing to parade around naked in from of a bunch of superheroes. He patched himself up before finally heading back to the still confused (and slightly heated) Avengers.

They were all kind of glaring at each other. Robin whistled lowly as he walked into the room.

"Tension is thick in here," He said, going towards the Maximoff twins to make sure they were okay.

"That's on you," Tony accused, pointing at him and glaring. "You blew up that building."

Robin gave him an offended glare. "Me? Why in Hades would you assume I did that?" He inquired.

"Uh, you were there," He said as if it was obvious. "You wanted Wanda to meet you there. What would your mother think?"

The billionaire was given a cold and unamused glare. "Yeah, so I could talk to her without getting attacked," Robin stressed. "I wouldn't come straight to the Avengers if I was the one who did it. You guys are just waiting for an excuse to arrest me," He said. He ignored the part about his mother. He clenched his fists at the thought of them using her against him. Seriously, he didn't bring up their parents, so why bring up his?

Tony tried to think of something else to say, but couldn't. "Okay, maybe it wasn't you. Who was it then?"

"Maybe it's those Jen-uh, monsters," Robin said, stopping himself from revealing anything. He tried to stay calm. "They blew up this other street."

"Where you work?" Clint asked, remembering having heard about that.

The demigod nodded in reply.

"Maybe we should see if that new hero, Asteroid, knows anything," Steve suggested. The others seemed to agree, but Robin froze up in his spot.

"D-did you say Asteroid?" He stuttered, his breath coming short. He couldn't believe his ears. Bring in Loki instead! Anything would be better than getting the actually villain in their location and letting him in on everything that's going on. The stuff that he caused.

"Yeah. We were talking, and we think it would be a good idea to team up with him," Tony said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Right," Robin mumbled. He couldn't tell them he was a bad guy without revealing his demigod heritage, right? Would they even believe him? Probably not. "I'm going to uh, go get my stuff from my apartment," He said, rushing out the door.

He felt like he couldn't breathe. He was exhaling faster than he could inhale. He stumbled into the grass, struggling to stay upright. His vision was getting blurred as his eyes got watery. His chest felt tight. He looked down at his hands, seeing them shaking. It was like he couldn't control his body. A sob escaped his lips.

This couldn't be happening. Not now. He fought so hard to keep this under control, and of all times, it had to be now. This didn't happen often, but of course now had to be one of the times it did. He fell to the floor on his knees. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't.

His body trembled. He tried to control his breathing, but he couldn't seem to get a grip on reality. He felt a stabbing pain at his heart. He hugged himself, trying to do anything to gain control of the situation. He couldn't stop the tears streaming down his face, or the choked sobs that escape him.

Eventually his breathing slowed, and he felt himself come to terms with his surroundings. He hiccuped, the heavy emotions he couldn't recognize still there, just lightly under the surface. He pulled himself up, and did his best to make his way to the nearest cafe.

He arrived quickly, one being not too far from the compound. He mumbled his order to the kind woman there, and found himself a quiet spot in a corner.

He got his order - a warm cup of coffee (for once) and a donut. He wolfed down the treat, hoping to regain some energy.

He realized that maybe Doctor Banner would've been able to help him. Of course, when he was interrogated, he didn't mention the PTSD issues, or anything linked to that. It was almost in the description of being a demigod. It was written in white ink. After experiencing what he had, something was bound to come to him, right?

That's what he told himself, at least. That it's all part of some big plan. That he should look at the bigger picture. Maybe, just maybe, the gods had a reason for putting him through all of that.

Sometimes he just felt like a flower. Plucked from the earth, and left to wither and die with no roots left to keep him alive. His mother use to tell him he was the prettiest (yes, she used that word) boy she ever met. What happened to the prettiest flowers? They're the ones you take from the garden, the flowerbed, wherever you take your flowers from.

Life seemed unfair. It was unfair. Luck and fairness had nothing to do with life. Chance wasn't a factor either. It's the Fates, and the Gods, and the monsters. They were the ones who made a demigod's life as hard and miserable as possible.

Gods, did Robin hate being a demigod.

what hogwarts house do we think robin would be in? i'm leaning towards slytherin but i'm curious to hear what you guys think

i love you guys commenting about cliffhangers hahah... but no, that won't be the last one ;)

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