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      "He asked you out on a date?" Baxter asks with disbelief.

"Yes." I answer, adding one more pin to fix my chignon.

"How? Why?"

"He's making it up to me for mistaking me for someone else."

"I hate rich people." Baxter sighs. "They take the least chance they get to show off."

"Think about it, maybe he's going to talk me into becoming one of his models at Apexi. I could quit being a waitress."

Baxter scoffs. "I hate to break it to you, but you've got too much flesh on your bones to be a model."

I gasp. "Are you saying I'm fat?"

"No, I never mentioned the f word." Baxter denies. "I'm just saying models are skinnier than that."

I stare at my body in the mirror while letting out a sigh. I'm not exactly slim but definitely not fat. However, I've never seen a model with curves like mine. "I could lose weight a little. At least, I still have this pretty face."

"You don't know whether he's going to make you a model or not. Even if he does, tell him no. I'm not going to let you lose weight and become super skinny for the cameras."

"At least, I'll be more respected." I say sadly. "No one cares about a mere waitress with a small apartment. A bratty lady yelled at me for not having mushrooms in her salad. Do you know how many times I get into trouble because people like her disrespect me?"

Baxter sighs and massages my shoulder. "I'll be happy for you if your life gets any better than this. But I know that your life right now is something to be content about. You have me. You have Marie."

"I know, you're like family to me. I'll never forget you if I get successful." I promise, stroking the hands on my shoulder.

"I know." Baxter smirks. "How can you ever forget how you still owe me twelve dollars for ruining my favorite shirt with your tears in high school?"

I laugh. "Forget it, I'm never paying you back."

"Then you're going to be my best friend until I get back my money."

I smile sweetly and stand up. "And that will happen on the fourth of Neveruary." I say. "How do I look?"

Baxter scans my navy blue satin-silk dinner dress that I matched with silver pumps and jewelry. "You look nice."

"Thank you." I shriek and kiss his cheek. It's satisfying to get a positive male opinion, especially when you're going on a date with one. The doorbell rings.

"He's here!" I gasp, hurrying to the door.

"Have a nice date! Don't be stupid!" Baxter calls behind me. I flip him off and go to open the door.

There stood Hudson Lockmore, in all his glory, looking gorgeous in a black tux, his hair gelled to the back. He flashes me the most beautiful smile.

"Hi." he says.

"Hi." I breathe out, trying not to sound nervous. He outstretches his hand for me to take. I look behind him to see a jet black Range Rover waiting in the driveway.

"Shall we?" he asks.

                 The restaurant he takes me to looks very expensive. The display lights are standing out in the dark night. The peaceful atmosphere was filled with clinking cutlery and soft music. Hudson and I take a table for two. I look over the table, feeling dazzled. There are about five spoons and forks, arranged from the smallest to the biggest on either sides of a gold rimmed plate. Different squeaky clean glasses are also on the table in different shapes and sizes with yellow napkins in them. The center piece is also very catchy, made of blue crystals and glass.

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