13|personal sibling talk day...

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13|personal sibling talk day

OUR HOUSE WAS BUZZING! What other word can I use apart from that? It was infuriating... So due to I and Finn's fight... Izzy, Finn and Jordan are now in detention for two weeks...😬😬... And Finn didn't fight back from what I heard... But Izzy had a busted lip... If he was white... That'll be bad... And he beat the guy that said shit! I kept apologizing and they kept telling me shut up!... Brothers!! I had called drake but didn't tell him what happened... He's getting better though... I wonder how he has a cold.

And today! Saturday... Our house was buzzing at 8 in the morning... With the event planner and the designers... All kids helped... Our friends came over to help too and Mom got to meet Charlotte's Mom... Yeah! And also Lucas... She liked Lucas because he watched horror! I hate horror! But our friends had gone so it was our turn to help... We did help and now we're in Jordan's room chilling!

"I wish there was no party!" Izzy said as he pulled of his shirt...

"We all wish!" I said as I packed my hair in a up bun... I looked over and saw Jordan blanking out... He was probably thinking of Annalise...

"Buerk!" Camille said yuck in French in disgust!

We all looked at her and saw her with Jordan's sock... Oh God! We laughed at her face...

"Drop it!" Jordan said in a pretty firm daddy tone!

"Oo oh" we all said as we looked at him...

"Someone is grumpy today... It's just 8:30" Camille said as I and Izzy glared at her... And she just shrugged... This girl!

"Sorry... But—never mind... You guys get out... New jersey is waiting for me... Its an eight hours drive... So bye" he said as he stood up to shoo us out... We all looked at him and then Camille laughed... And we all stared at her..

"You know I'm not going to leave? They might but I Camille is not leaving?" She said as she sat down on his bed and stared up at us like an innocent bunny...

"Bunny" I muttered under my breath...

"I heard that" she said as she looked at me with her eyes squinted.... And I played my best innocence...

"Give the big boy space!" Izzy said as he stole a gummy bear from Jordan's table... We all had that in our rooms...

"Thank you... Izzy I've never told you do this but I hate you less" he said as he placed his hand on his chest... And we laughed...

Izzy hit his chest twice and said "Mutual" we laughed again...

"Now leave!"

We all left apart from Camille... She sat there and I saw the frustrated look on Jordan's face... I just shook my head and Izzy did the same...
I waved bye to 'them' as I closed the door... We had taken all the pictures with Camille's camera that prints out immediately... We took a lot and we took with our friends too... Nobody noticed our absence... For long though... Izzy was back to his phone again! I tipped toed to his back...

"Who is she?" I asked as he jumped lightly... Scared...

"Shut up... Why do you need to know?" He said as he turned off his phone and faced me...

"Cause I need to" I said as I shrugged... I wanted to know...

"Oh God" he ran his hand over his face... Clearly getting riled up from my curiousness.... He always told me being curious is getting yourself prepared for the worst...

"Just tell me eh?... Siblings goals Izzy!" I said as I smiled and poked his sides and wiggled my eyebrows... He swatted my hand away... He pulled me into his room.

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