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"You know, C.J.," Jordan begins to prompt as the girls, and I are out in the back while the kids are swimming at the pool and the men are out.

Logan has been training this week for a big amateur fight next weekend, so Don and Rex are with him. Seth is out with Terry as he sets up a double date, and the look on her face tells me she is itching to tell Seth she's not interested. But you know Seth, he can be very persistent regarding women. The only remaining Wolfe brother, Liam, is here with Ramsey and the kids in the pool.

Jordan continues her conversation and says, "Since you love to cook and stuff, why not work at my family's restaurant? I know working at the B&M gives huge tips, but as someone with your skills in cooking, I'm sure the restaurant will be busy with people."

Next week Effie and the others will be starting their first day of college, and spending time with family and friends is a great way to relax before the stress comes. Clark and Sam are here as well, playing with their godchildren.

"I haven't thought of that," I let my face fall as a remembrance of my time working at NayNay's restaurant and then another where I had to quit because of Eddie. I've thought of opening my restaurant, nothing big; it will be as small as a cafe.

"You should!" She exclaims that almost made my heart jump. "Daddy would love to have you. I've been telling him about all your dishes."

Jordan, every other day, would join our family dinners and praise my cooking nonstop, especially regarding the desserts. She would stuff her face and finish her plates in seconds. I've been wondering where all the food goes because she stays slim.

I wish I know her secret. I don't consider myself skinny or fat; I'm on the chubby side. Whenever I look at myself in the mirror, Don comments that my body shape is nothing to worry about, especially with my tiny self. He adores how small I am. After our fantastic sex, he loves spooning me, and he says embracing me as we sleep is what makes him sleep better. Logan is like that with Effie. My cousin has an hourglass figure. As for Thea, she has an athletic figure.

Luckily my baby belly is showing even when I wear a two-piece bikini. But after weeks, it will grow, and I'm racing the clock to see when I can tell Don about my pregnancy.

"Well?" I snap back to Jordan, who's been waiting for an answer. "Will you work at the restaurant?"

"I don't know," I land my eyes on Leo, who is on Clark's shoulders as they play the game chicken fight against Chris and Sam Thea has both Jacob and Zara in their animal floaties cheering whoever will win.

Chris has been with us for three days, and once in a while, he will call his mom, but soon, kids his and Leo's age will start school after summer. He must go home more quickly and accept that his mother has moved on.

"As you said, I love to cook, but working at a restaurant gives me bad vibes like with my grandma and..." I was about to say quit and mention Eddie because Jordan doesn't know my situation. And I don't tend to tell her.

I was still waiting.

She's like Thea. After all, Jordan is my cousin's partner in crime. They may be hit first before asking the question type of person. Jordan will smile because she knows she will make you answer before she asks. Living with four older brothers, especially two in the marine, who are overseas, and a father who used to be one, makes Jordan a military child. She knows the protocol.

"Okay, I'm not going to pressure you because you are one of my best friends, but at least try and apply," Jordan says. "I already asked Daddy, and he is willing to give you the job as a cook whenever you're ready."

"Thanks, Jo," I smile at her. "I'll think about it."

After minutes of talking to Jordan about a job offer at her family's restaurant, the house phone rang, and I picked it up to hear my mother on the other side of the line.

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