Chapter Sixty One

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*February 20th*
*Arabelles POV*
Three months later

It's been three months since everything happened. And it's been the most eventful three months of my life.

Later that day after Harry and I finally reunited, I made up with Louis, which went way different than I imagined it.


"It's funny." Louis said as he stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. "I never pegged you as someone to run from their problems." He finished jokingly, sending a cheeky smile my way.

"Well I never pegged you as a liar so I guess we were both wrong." I teased, watching as he smiled fondly at me.

I took a small moment to look at him, realizing he looked different than the last time I saw him. He looked rougher, like he hasn't slept in days, which knowing him was most likely true. His brown hair was a mess on his head, looking slightly matted and disheveled. But regardless of his messy appearance, he was still the man who helped me through the worst time of my life, and I couldn't be more thankful that we were together once again.

He shook his head as a laugh bubbled from his throat. He took four long strides until he was stood in front of me, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. Words couldn't describe how happy I was now that I was reunited with my boyfriend and brother.

I felt hot tears slide down my neck, a sniffle coming from Louis nose. I squeezed him tighter as he sobbed quietly into my neck. I could tell he was desperately trying to pull himself together has his hand wiped at his tears.

"I thought you died." He whispered, his voice full of hurt and relief, something that has been a common feeling around here.

"Me too." I answered, happy that I cheated death so I could make it to this moment.

/Flashback over/

I also made up with Niall and Liam, though they didn't really have anything to apologize for. They still felt horrible for letting everyone lie about my mother.

Speaking about my mother, I haven't seen her since that day I found out she was alive. But I know she's been having people watch my every move. When Harry brought me home from the hospital and back to his house, I always felt eyes on me everywhere I went. I always felt the need to shut the curtains in every single room I walked into, knowing someone was lurking around the corner.

So Harry and I made a plan to make sure no one was watching us. We chose a house far away from the center of the city and moved in together, into a house of our own. I would love to say it was a start for a brand new, happy future, but I know unless Harry left the gang it would never happen.

Louis and Niall decided to move in with us, their house also surrounded by people. We all moved in during the day, apparently the gang is so stupid that they only have people watching over us at night. So with their carelessness we were able to move quietly, we haven't seen a single gang member around our new house.

We've got a dog, a beautiful pit bull puppy named Nova. She's grey with a little white strip going up her chest. She has these gorgeous blue eyes, she's very playful and loving. Harry wanted to get one for protection, meanwhile I just wanted one for company whenever he was busy. Harry and the boys train her whenever they can, we got her a week after the hospital so she's gone kind of far with her training. She knows simple commands, sit, lay, fetch and stuff like that. Their mainly teaching her how to protect me and to bark whenever I'm in danger.

Besides that nothing else has really happened. It's just been busy with Nova and the new house. Besides the random party's that Louis and Niall throw against Harry and I's wishes,it's been pretty calm.

"Babe?" Harry's voice came from the doorway.

I turned my head from the book I was reading to see him leaning against the doorway, a small smile on his face. He was shirtless, only grey sweatpants on that rested dangerously low on his v-line. His toned chest was on display as I tried not to stare at his abs that were littered with tattoos. He was simply gorgeous, a true piece of art that I'm lucky enough to call mine.

"What are you doing?" Harry smirked, knowing that he caught me staring at him.

A blush crept up my neck, leaving my cheeks a bright red as I closed my book and made my way over to him.

"What do you mean?" I asked, acting like I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Oh nothing." He shrugged. "You just got a little drool right there." He finished, bringing his thumb up to wipe the corner of his lip mockingly.

My cheeks burned even more as my mouth opened in shock, extremely embarrassed.

"Stop!" I whined, wrapping my arms around his waist as I rested my head on his chest.

He just chuckled at my embarrassment, the vibrations through his chest making my head shake. I just pouted and looked up at him, watching as he shook his head at me. I stared at his emerald orbs, seeing all the emotion that was held in them. His eyes closed as he tried to control his laughter, his dark eyelashes resting on his cheekbone. The light from the opened curtain shined on him, making him look even more beautiful. His laughter ceased as he looked down at me, smiling fondly down at me. I knew he caught me staring again by the slight smirk on his face but I didn't care. After all the time of not being able to see and be with him like I really wanted, I was making sure to appreciate every moment with him.

"What?" He whispered, our noses touching as he leaned down slightly.

"I just really love you." I said truthfully, causing a huge smile to appear on his face.

"And I you." He replied, his voice just above a whisper.

I took one last look at his eyes before leaning forward, meeting our lips in a passionate kiss. He was finally mine and we didn't have to hide anymore.
I love them together.

Sorry if this chapter was boring, I wasn't sure out to start off this book.

I hope you guys like it tho. Please vote, comment, and share. It helps a lot.

Have a wonderful day

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