Chapter Ninety Four

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*March 27th*
*Third Person POV*
*11 Years Prior*

It was a peaceful morning, one that would soon be disturbed. The children slept in their separate cots, the warehouse eerily quite. The caretakers sat on the left side of the warehouse, waiting for the clock to hit 6 so the children would wake.

Some of the children were already staring to wake, a ten year old Harry Styles sat up in his cot, rubbing his tired eyes from sleep. Next to him a sleeping Louis Tomlinson laid there. Harry knee that he had to be up soon, for all of the kids had to be up at 6 sharp.

Niall Horan slept on the right side of Harry, the seven year old too scared to sleep next to anyone else. He just arrived at the warehouse a few months ago, for his mom did her best to try to hide him away. But in the end the gang found him, ripped him away from his mother and threw him with the rest of the kids.

Usually kids are raised here, so it's easier for them to adjust. But Niall wasn't so lucky, having been prettified when he was thrown on the ground next to Harry, having been told the rules and consequences moments before.

Harry had taken the young boy under his wing, knowing that he would never survive without someone to help him along the way. Niall has been glued to his side ever since, only leaving the boys side whenever he was made to.

"That boy will only cause trouble." Tony, one of the other boys there, had told Harry, but Harry didn't listen. He knew that living there was rough, especially if you were pulled from a peaceful life before.

So Harry let the little boy follow him, letting him learn from him since the knew of nothing else. He made sure he taught him everything he knew, not wanting the young boy to die because he simply didn't know any better.

"Caretakers!" A voice boomed, causing Harry to snap his head in the direction of the sound. It was Marcus, one of the main gang members of the facility, followed by twenty other men. "Wake the children."

The women immediately rose from their seats, knowing the consequences if they didn't follow orders. They rushed to the children's cots, shaking the children awake so they could start the training for the day.

"Get up sweetie, you know the drill." An older woman told Harry. She was one of the kinder caretakers, always being gentle with the kids and making sure that they always were taken care of. Sometimes when the kids were sent to bed without dinner she would sneak food out of the kitchen for the children. She couldn't do much, considering the situation, but she did the best she could to tell them.

Harry nodded as the woman quickly went over to Louis, gently shaking him awake as well. A sigh fell from the little boys lips as he got up, joining the other kids who were lined up against the wall.

They were very organized when it came to how the children were trained. Everyday the children would be lined up and their names would be called for a certain activity. A group of five would go with a assigned member to train in different events.

Soon all of the kids were lined up against the wall, their hands crossed behind their backs as they stared forward, waiting for their orders. Marcus, the same member from earlier, stood in front of them with a clipboard in his hands.

"Alright, you guys know what to do." He hollered in a deep voice so he can be heard by all the kids. He started listing off names, all of the kids rushing off once their name was called. Harry patiently waited for his name to be called, anxiously waiting to see who he would be training with.

Freedom ✔️ Harry StylesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang