Chapter Eighty Eight

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*March 20th*
*Louis POV*

The sound of my boots against the marbled floor echoed throughout the the hall as I made my way into the dining room. I walked in to see Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn waiting for me.

We were at Liams house for one of our meetings about the gang. We usually meet every month but Harry called an emergency one.

"Alright what is this about?" I asked him as I sat down on the leather couch.

Harry cleared his throat as a serious look washed over his face, leaning forward in his seat so we was closer to the center.

"I want out." He stated simply.

My eyes widened as I raised my eyebrows in surprise, not expecting this from him. The atmosphere in the room shifted completely, everyone growing serious from Harry's sudden confession.

"What do you mean you want out?" Liam asked lowly, his deep voice echoing throughout the room.

"I mean I want out. I don't want to be apart of this damn gang anymore." Harry repeated, his voice raising slightly at the end.

"Harry I don't think you can." Niall hesitantly spoke up from beside him.

"Right, I don't think you really have a choice." Zayn added.

"Well I didn't have a damn choice anyway! Did any of us? None of us chose to be in this god damn gang. And I don't know about you guys but I'm f*cking sick of people having control over me." Harry screamed, slamming his hands down on the coffee table.

The loud bang echoed through the room as we stared at him in shock from his outburst. A part of me ached for him because I know out of all of us he suffered the worst with this. He was made as the right hand man from the beginning, always pushed more than the rest and controlled.

"Harry, calm down mate." I told him slowly, not wanting to set him off even more.

He turned to me with a pained look in his emerald eyes, his breathing heavy as his chest heaved up and down.

"I want a future Louis, one without all the violence and mind control. I want to have children, with Arabelle. But I'll be damned if they go through what we did." He told me, his voice cracking at the end as tears filled his eyes.

The room went silent once again as Harry started tearing up on the couch, his head down as he swiped at his eyes frustratingly. Sympathy filled my chest at his words, knowing that he'll never be able to have that if he stayed.

"I have a plan." Liam said lowly, speaking up for the first time since we got here.

Harry snapped his head up and turned to him with a hopeful look in his eyes as we just stared at him in confusion.

"I don't think your going to like it though." Liam turned to me, the look in his eyes making my stomach turn.

*Arabelles POV*

My hands flipped through the old photo book on my lap, pictures of when I was younger littering the pages. I smiled as my eyes landed on an old picture of dad and I. I was around three, my dark hair cascading down my back as I sat on my dads shoulders. A huge smile rested on both of our faces as his hands were wrapped around my feet, making sure I don't fall. He looks so different then from he does today. He hair was fully black without the grey patches on his head. Black glasses rested on his nose as his eyes shone brightly.

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