Chapter Sixty Seven

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*February 27th*
*Arabelles POV*

"No. Absolutely not." Louis spat, his arms crossed as he looked at Harry like he was crazy.

Harry turned towards me and gave me a 'I told you so' look. I scoffed in disbelief, glaring at Louis as I stepped forward.

"And why not?" I questioned as Louis shifted uncomfortably under my glare.

"Um because it's dangerous?" He sassed.

"Ok. But when did you guys turn into my parents?" I asked, causing them to look at me weirdly.

"What?" Harry choked out but I ignored him.

"Who gave you the right to tell me what to do?" I walked further towards him. "Last time I checked my birthday was last month. I'm a legal adult now and I will leave this house whenever I please. Whether it's with you or not is your choice."

The windows were down as we sped down the dirt road, the wind blowing in my hair as some song blared from the radio. I was sat in the back with Liam while Louis and Harry were in the front. Louis was still grumpily pouting, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. It didn't bother me though, I'm just happy that I got to get out of the house. I look towards my left to see Liam playing some game on his phone, laughing quietly to himself. I stretched my neck a little to try to see his phone screen, but gave up once he gave me a questioning glance.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously, seeing as I didn't before.

"Towards the center of town. Apparently another gang showed up and there's been a little disagreement." Harry answered, peeking at me through the mirror.

I nodded my head as I leaned back in my seat, resting my head against the glass. As I watched the trees and houses fly by, I found myself starting to think about whether or not I made the right decision. I'm sure Harry wouldn't bring me somewhere he knew I would get hurt, but still. I mean that's what Louis was so worried about. I'm also worried about them getting hurt, even though their in the gang and danger is apart of it.

"Is Zayn and Niall going to be there?" I asked.

Louis turned to give me a weird glance, one that I ignored as Liam turned to me.

"Yea. Why?" Liam answered, giving me a skeptical look.

"Just feel like I haven't seen them in a while." I shrugged.

"Ok we're here." Harry said as he pulled into a parking lot.

I looked out of the window to see two groups of people in the middle of the lot. Zayn and Niall were in the front of one while these men in black suits were in front. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at the other group of men. They all were strangely dressed up for a little disagreement. Their faces were freshly shaved and their suits were crisp and unwrinkled. I was too focused on the group to realize everyone was out of the car and they were all waiting for me.

"You coming?" Louis asked, breaking me from my trance.

"Oh yea sorry." I apologized.

I shook my head and stepped out of the vehicle, closing the door behind me. Harry immediately grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him in a protective way. I looked up at him to see his eye brows furrowed as he examined the crowd. I shivered as I felt him lean down, his warm breath crashing against my neck as he whispered in my ear.

"Stay next to me." He whispered sternly.

I nodded as I took a deep breath, flashing him a small smile to assure him that we can go on. He kissed me on the temple and shone me a bright smile, before his features turned into stone as he stared ahead. He started walking as he tugged me along with him, holding me securely to his side.

I could hear Niall and a man arguing and their voices got louder as we stepped into the crowd. People from the gang noticed Harry and gasped, quickly moving out of the way. Harry's jaw stayed locked as we stepped further towards the front.

"We had a deal Mark." Niall seethed, glaring at the man in front of him.

Zayn turned around and he looked relieved once he saw Harry. His brown eyes turned to me and his eyes widened, face contorted into shock. Nods were exchanged between the two and we made our way in the front. Harry put his hand on Nialls shoulder, making him turn quickly. He relaxed once he saw it was Harry and stepped aside. Harry gave Niall a look and Niall nodded, grabbing my arm and pulling me into his side.

"Mark, what seems to be the problem here?" Harry spoke loudly, an intimidating look on his face.

"No problem." The man, Mark, shook his head as he looked up at Harry. "Just a slight disagreement is all."

Harry hummed, nodding his head in false agreement.

"But, we did have a deal, did we not?" Harry taunted.

"We did. Now we're not satisfied with the deal." Mark spoke gruffly, trying to sound intimidating but failing.

"Well I'm afraid it don't work like that my friend. Deals are set in place for a reason. I would appreciate it if you and your men will get in yours cars and drive off.

It became dead silent as the two men stared at each other, none of them wanting to back down. Mark bowed his head, shaking it as he began to laugh. Harry raised his eyebrows, looking at the man with a bewildered look.

"I think your missing the point mate." Mark bellowed. "We have something that you don't."

A confused look made its way onto Harry's face as Zayn and Niall shared a doubtful glance. A chill ran up my spine as all of his men reached into their waist band. I felt the air leave my lungs and they all raised their guns, pointing them forward.

"So, are we ready to do things my way?"
Writers block is a b*tch.

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Have a wonderful day.

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