Chapter Eighty

774 28 3

*March 5th*
*Arabelle POV*
⚠️Some content might make readers uncomfortable⚠️

I huffed as I leaned up further on my tippy toes, trying to reach the cereal in the top cupboard. I groaned as I still couldn't reach it, trying harder to make myself taller but failing miserably.

I heard footsteps walk into the kitchen but decided to ignore them, my determination to get to the cereal too strong. I froze as I felt a broad chest collide with my back, a pair of arms wrapped around me. I looked down to see that the person had no rings, making me widen my eyes in both fear and surprise.

"Lilac looks good on you babe." Luke whispered in my ear, his breath crashing against my neck causing me to cringe.

"What are you doing?" I asked slowly, lowering my self down to my feet as I tried not to brush up against anything.

"Relax." He whispered 'seductively', rubbing his hand along my arm, only making me tense more. "Just trying to have a little fun."

I turned around quickly and slapped his hand off of my arm, shooting him an icy glare. He raised his eyebrows in amusement as I shoved his chest, making him take a few steps back.

"Go have some fun somewhere else." I snapped, going to walk away.

I gasped in surprise as he roughly grabbed my arm, pushing me harshly against the counter. I winced in pain as fear flooded my chest, staring into his angry blue eyes. His grip on my arm didn't loosen, in fact it only got tighter. I winced as I felt his nail pierce through my skin, feeling blood trickle down my arm.

"I'll have some fun with whoever and wherever I want." He barked, his tone dripping with venom.

"You sure about that bud?" A voice asked from the doorway.

I sighed in relief as I saw Liam leaning against the doorway. I sent him a pleading look over Luke's shoulder and he nodded at me, sending me a reassuring smile. I went to walk away once again, but the blonde once again shoved me harshly against the table.

"Let her go Hemmings." Liam said lowly, his voice making shivers run down my spine. His tone was venomous and threatening, something I've never heard from him.

The blonde ignored him once again as he pressed his body up against mine, wrapping his hand around my neck. I gasped in fear as he tightened his grip on my wind pipe, blocking my airway. I took deep breaths, trying to get as much air as I could. My face burned as it became hard to breathe, only making him tighten his grip.

Suddenly Luke was ripped off of me and I leaned forward, my hand coming up to my throat as I gasped for air. I felt a hand on my shoulder, whipping around to see Liam. I sighed in relief before widening my eyes in alarm, who was with Luke?

I looked towards the island to see Luke pressed against it, Louis hovering above him with a murderous glare. I flinched as he brought his fist into the air, knocking it harshly onto the blondes nose. I cringed as a crack sounded throughout the kitchen, Louis not stopping as he repeatedly rammed his fist into the blondes face. My eyebrows furrowed in concern as Luke began to cough up blood, Louis not stopping his assault.

Liam quickly rushed over to them, pulling Louis back, causing the blonde to fall the floor. He groaned in pain as his back made contact with the hard floor. He coughed and wheezed, his nose gushing blood as more came out of his mouth every time he coughed.

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